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Stefan Engel: 5 questions to the MLPD

by MLPD, Central Committee Department for Internationalism, 26 May 2016

Dear comrades,

we are being asked from different organizations about our position on the refugees issue in Europe.

We also do believe that the crisis of the bourgeois refugee policy and the proletarian refugee policy are an important issue today and would like to share our opinion with you.

So we provide the video-interview “5 questions to the MLPD” with our chairman Stefan Engel on the refugeees issue:

  • Has the refugee question been solved because fewer refugees are coming to Germany at the moment?

  • How shall the refugees be integrated in Germany?

  • Is there a swing to the right in Germany?

  • What position is the MLPD taking in this polarization?

  • What does all this mean for the practical work of the MLPD?

You can find the video-interview with English subtitles here or at Youtube.

Additionally, the question is also being addressed in Stefans current interview - to be found here.

With revolutionary greetings

Peter Weispfenning

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