ICOR-Resolution: US presidential election between pest and cholera
Existing translations
- ICOR-Resolution: US-Präsidentenwahl zwischen Pest und Cholera
- ICOR-Resolution: US presidential election between pest and cholera
- Resolucion de la ICOR: Elecciones presidenciales en EE.UU. entre la peste y el cólera
- ICOR resolution: Élection présidentielle aux États-unis – un choix entre peste et choléra
- ИКОР резолюция: Президентские выборы в США — между чумой и холерой
The surprising victory of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton in the election of the new US president causes worldwide sensations and intensifies the international societal polarization. Immediately after the announcement of the election the USA was overrun with militant mass demonstrations. After an exceptional media campaign for months in the end there was only the choice between pest and cholera left for the masses. In view of that the largest group, that of the non-voters, stayed away from this sham election. Thus with 58.1% voter participation Trump was elected with only 25% of the electoral votes as the 45th US president. He was elected by 18% of the total US population and just under 26% of the eligible voters. With unbridled demagoguery, a flood of lies, a crude, open racist smear campaign and vile manipulation Trump presented himself as alleged advocate of the unemployed and impoverished workers and middle strata as well as opponent of the corrupt Wall Street managers, the representatives of the international monopoly and financial capital. In spite of his well-known open racist, chauvinist and anti-women positions he won as the supposedly lesser evil over the desired candidate of the Wall Street and the political establishment. After the failure of US imperialism in Iraq and Afghanistan and the relapse in the international competition after the world economic and financial crisis the most reactionary representatives of the US-American finance capital are trying to lead US imperialism back to old strength with Donald Trump.
Donald Trump taking office marks a general tendency towards open reaction and has geopolitical consequences. The termination of the Global Climate Agreement is part of a rollback concerning environmental policy. As to economy Trump stands for an intensified protectionism and as to politics for a reactionary migrant policy, open anti-communism and an aggressive foreign policy. Many immigrant are anxious about their safety and their status in the USA. This is going to aggravate contradictions and provoke struggles on a worldwide scale.
The shift to the right of the new US government is a result of the masses seeking an alternative to the existing dispensation. In the election campaign this was revealed in a close neck-and-neck race between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders who found recognition among many people with the demonstrative positioning as advocate of socilism. There was no real alternative in the presidential election.
All this shows the farce of the bourgeois democracy and that bourgeois parliamentarism loses its effect to the same extend as progressive societal potential consolidates in the left trend and uses the democratic rights in elections for a proletarian profile. The crisis of bourgeois parliamentarism has become a general phenomenon. All over the world the masses are searching for a societal alternative to the imperialist crisis system. The conclusion can only consist in strengthening real alternatives all over the world. That means: priority to the construction of strong Marxist-Leninist parties in all countries of the world, union of the revolutionary forces in coordination and cooperation in the ICOR, the union of the revolutionaries of the world.
For peace, freedom and democracy – for socialism!
Strengthen the ICOR!
Signatories (as of 25 November 2016, further signatories possible):
RCP Revolutionary Communist Party of Egypt
ORC Organisation Révolutionnaire du Congo (Revolutionary Organization of Congo), Democratic Republic of the Congo
CPSA (ML) Communist Party of South Africa (Marxist-Leninist)
PPDS Parti Patriotique Démocratique Socialiste (Patriotic Democratic Socialist Party), Tunisia
MLOA Marxist-Leninist Organization of Afghanistan
CPB Communist Party of Bangladesh
CPI (ML) Red Star Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Red Star
Ranjbaran Hezb-e Ranjbaran-e Iran (Proletarian Party of Iran)
NCP (Mashal) Nepal Communist Party (Mashal)
APTUF All Pakistan Trade Union Federation
NDMLP New-Democratic Marxist-Leninist Party, Sri Lanka
БКП Българска Комунистическа Партия (Bulgarian Communist Party)
KSC-CSSP Komunisticka Strana Cheskoslovenska – Cheskoslovenska Strana Prace (Communist Party of Czechoslovakia – Czechoslovakian Workers Party), Czech Republic
MLPD Marxistisch-Leninistische Partei Deutschlands (Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany)
KOL Kommunistische Organisation Luxemburg (Communist Organization of Luxemburg)
RM Rode Morgen (Red Dawn), Netherlands
MLP Marksistsko-Leninskaja Platforma (Marxist-Leninist Platform), Russia
MLGS Marxistisch-Leninistische Gruppe Schweiz (Marxist-Leninist Group of Switzerland)
TIKB Türkiye İhtilalci Komünistler Birliği (Union of Revolutionary Communists of Turkey)
KSRD Koordinazionnyj Sowjet Rabotschewo Dvizhenija (Coordination Council of the Workers Class Movement), Ukraine
PR Partija Rada (Party of Labor), Yugoslavia (ex)
PC (ML) Partido Comunista (Marxista Leninista) (Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist)), Dominican Republic
PC/ML Partido Comunista (Marxista-Leninista) de Panamá (Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist) of Panama)
PCP (independiente) Partido Comunista Paraguayo (independiente) (Paraguayan Communist Party (independent))
PPP Partido Proletario del Perú (Proletarian Party of Peru)
PS-GdT Plataforma Socialista - Golpe de Timón (Socialist Platform - Kurswechsel), Venezuela
Signed after the release date:
MMLPL Moroccan Marxist-Leninist Proletarian Line
БРП(к) Българска Работническа Партия (комунисти) (Bulgarian Workers Party (Communist))
NPCH (ML) Nouveau Parti Communiste Haϊtien (Marxiste-Léniniste) (New Communist Party of Haiti (Marxist-Leninist))
PR-ByH Partija Rada - ByH (Party of Labor - Bosnia and Herzegovina), Bosnia and Herzegovin
ROL Revolutionary Organization of Labor, USA
International Coordination of Revolutionary Parties and Organizations
- Office of the ICC -
Buerer Strasse 39
D-45899 Gelsenkirchen
Phone: + 49-209-3597479
Email: coordinationint@yahoo.co.uk
Website: www.icor.info
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