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Congress of unification was successfully held

by PPDS Patriotic Democratic Socialist Party Tunisia, 11 May 2016

Dear comrades,

The PPSR WATAD officially informs all ICOR members that the congress of unification was successfully held on february 27,28 and 29 2016 with the presence of Comrade Stephen Engel the General Coordinator if ICOR as well as representatives of MLPD, MLKP; ROL and other comunist orgaizations outside ICOR .

Moreover most of ICOR organisations as well as other parties sent messages of solidarity.

The congress successfully elected a Central Committee and a Political Bureau and adopted 11 documents among which a new constitution and programme .

The congress of unification which succeeded in unifying 6 Marxist Leninist parties ; organizations and fractions changed the name of the party .

The new name is: The patriotic democratic socialist party and the acronym is PPDS Tunisia .The logo is the one mentioned in paper.

The new Secretary General is comrade Mohamed Kahlaoui and the Spokesperson is comrade Taeib Bouaicha.

Hence PPSR WATAD no longer exist officially and all the parties and fractions have unifued in the new party PPDS Tunisia.

Anew official email ( is to be used which is the one we use now to send this message.The same comrade who used to be PPSR WATAD International Secretary was reelected as a member of political bureau in charge of international relations heading the international bureau.

For PPDS Tunisia

Secretary General

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