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Closing statement of the 2nd Conference Middle East in November 2015

Conference Middle East, January 2016


1.) The 2nd Conference Middle East of various progressive, anti-imperialist and revolutionary organizations took place successfully upon the invitation of ICOR. Representatives of the following organizations attended: MLKP - Marksist Leninist Komünist Parti Türkiye/Kürdistan (Marxist Leninist Communist Party Turkey/Kurdistan); PYD - Partiya Yekitîya Demokrat (Democratic Union Party) Rojava/Syria; MMLPL - Moroccan Marxist-Leninist Proletarian Line; PPSR WATAD - Parti Patriote Socialiste Révolutionnaire WATAD (Patriotic Socialist Revolutionary Party WATAD) Tunisia; CPI (ML) Red Star - Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Red Star; MLP - Marksistsko-Leninskaja Platforma (Marxist-Leninist Platform) Russia; MLOA - Marxist-Leninist Organization of Afghanistan; TKP/ML - Türkiye Komünist Partisi/Marksist-Leninist (Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist-Leninist); PFLP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine); Komala /Communist Party of Iran ; MLPD – Marxistisch-Leninistische Partei Deutschlands (Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany); Jugendverband REBELL (Youth League REBELL) Germany; RM - Rode Morgen (Red Dawn) Netherlands; Kommunistischer Aufbau (Communist Construction) Germany; as well as revolutionaries from Yemen and Libya.

It concluded that the most important practical tasks set at the first meeting, which took place one year ago, had been accomplished successfully. It continued the discussion process about new manifestations and crucial changes and gave important impulses for a future closer cooperation of revolutionary forces and organizations in the Middle East. It concluded: the collaboration on the basis of proletarian internationalism as the common bond for a new level of cross-border collaboration of the international revolutionary and workers' movement and the development of an international united front in the Middle East are the basis for consciously overcoming the ethnic splits in the region.

2.) The Middle East (Western Asia) has become a focal point of the international revolutionary liberation struggle against imperialism. NATO and US imperialism are facing the shambles of their Middle East strategy. Their crusades in Afghanistan and Iraq ended in a disaster. Regional powers like Turkey, Saudi-Arabia or Qatar are striving to secure and expand their spheres of influence in the Middle East. The threatening collapse of the reactionary Assad regime in Syria has led to Russian imperialism intervening directly militarily in order to prevent Assad's defeat. This evokes the threat of a direct military confrontation of the main imperialist blocks. The unbearable living conditions have given rise to a refugee movement of more than 13 million people in Syria. With protofascist terror the Netanjahu government aggravates the living conditions of the Palestinian people. The Gaza war, the more than 600km long apartheid wall, the occupation of 25% of their ground by Israeli settlers deny the Palestinians their right to a nation, land and freedom. With a new intifada the Palestinian youth is demonstrating its unbroken desire for freedom and shows the need for creating an antiimperialist united front. On this backdrop the 2nd Conference Middle East underscores that a united front must be formed against all imperialist forces and that an independent anti-imperialist course must be taken. This does not exclude temporarily taking advantage of inter-imperialist contradictions.

3.) New types of fascist terror organizations such as IS or the al Nusra brigades appear especially there where the societal relations are shattered, the masses no longer want to live in the old way and revolutionary ferments and developments have begun. The participants of the 2nd conference confirm their determination to lead the struggle against the religiously-disguised fascist gangs. They are a counterrevolutionary force, created by the imperialist system.

4.) The process of the democratic revolution in Rojava and the Kurdisch liberation struggle have international radiance. A further focal point in the Middle East is the Palestinian liberation struggle. A closer cooperation between the Kurdish and the Palestinian liberation struggles and further revolutionary forces can give important impulses for combining progressive and revolutionary forces. Also important are the struggle of the Afghan people against imperialism and fascism, the anti-imperialist forces in Yemen and in other countries of the region.

5.) The ICOR is conducting this conference in a period in which wars are being led in many countries of the Middle East. In this difficult negative situation we are, however, also witnesses of important positive developments. The conference salutes that the democratic revolution in Rojava is consolidating further and broadening, that reconstruction is making progress and with that a signal is being sent out in the region of the Middle East and beyond for how the struggle for democracy and freedom can gain a positive perspective. The ICOR and all participating organizations of the conference played a propulsive role in the worldwide solidarity movement. Significant progress was made with the solidarity pact between ICOR and the Kurdish liberation struggle, which goes far beyond international solidarity and represents a mutual self-obligation. The social and health-care center in Kobanê, which was built by international brigades together with workers and the population of Kobanê, will be completed shortly and be handed over to the self-administration organs in Kobanê on 20 November. The conference opposed the imperialist embargo against Rojava and demanded the diplomatic recognition of Rojava and a humanitarian corridor to there. The 2nd Conference honored the great achievements of the 170 brigadists from ten countries in Kobanê as a joint project of cooperation of the revolutionary parties and organizations in the ICOR and as an expression of practical proletarian internationalism. The 2nd Conference welcomes the proposal to support that the „House of Solidarity“ in Germany shall become a pilot project of proletarian-internationalist refugee policy to include the refugees in proletarian internationalism.

6.) The fascist gangs of IS experienced a defeat through the courageous liberation struggle of the Kurds in alliance with other peoples in Kobanê. International liberation battalions also participated in this. The conference commemorates all of those liberation fighters, men and women, who died in these struggles, like the comrade Ivana Hoffmann who fell in Rojava. At the moment a successful offensive of various Kurdish forces for the liberation of Shengal from the IS is taking place. We are in solidarity with these justified armed struggles. We further strongly condemn the attacks of the Turkish state in general and especially against the self-administered regions of the Kurds in North Kurdistan and Rojava. We condemn the national oppression, the reactionary attacks and assimilation policies on the part of the Turkish regime. For the right of self-determination of the Palestinian and Kurdish people. The conference condemns the untruths spread by the so-called „Syrian Human Rights Organization“ in Great Britain and by Amnesty International, who maintain that people of different nationalities are being suppressed by the Kurdish liberation organizations and are being expelled by the regional governments of the Kurds in the area of Rojava.

7.) The conference took place on the basis of a creative culture of debate in solidarity. It emphasized unanimously the great significance of the coordination and cooperation of revolutionary forces and organizations in the Middle East as the decisive consequence for this progress in the struggle for freedom and democracy.

Close cooperation shall be sought with the forces of the World Women's Conference of grassroots women, who are currently preparing the 2nd World Conference in Nepal in 2016.

The conference resolved to continue the conference and develop it further. A joint preparatory group was formed for this purpose including PYD, MLKP, MMLPL Morocco, the MLPD and the main coordinator of the continental coordination Asia in the ICOR. The conference shall be broadened with respect to its organization and topics.

Long live the struggle of the peoples of the Middle East!

Workers of all countries, unite!

Workers and oppressed peoples of all countries, unite!



MLKP - Marksist Leninist Komünist Parti Türkiye-Kürdistan (Marxist Leninist Communist Party Turkey/Kurdistan); PYD - Partiya Yekitîya Demokrat (Democratic Union Party); MMLPL - Moroccan Marxist-Leninist Proletarian Line; MLP - Marksistsko-Leninskaja Platforma (Marxist-Leninist Platform) Russia; PPSR WATAD - Parti Patriote Socialiste Révolutionnaire WATAD (Patriotic Socialist Revolutionary Party WATAD) Tunisia; CPI (ML) Red Star - Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Red Star; MLOA - Marxist-Leninist Organization of Afghanistan; TKP/ML - Türkiye Komünist Partisi/Marksist-Leninist (Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist-Leninist); PFLP - Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine; Komala /Communist Party of Iran; RM - Rode Morgen (Red Dawn) Netherlands; Revolutionaries from Yemen; Revolutionaries from Libya; Kommunistischer Aufbau (Communist Construction) Germany; MLPD – Marxistisch-Leninistische Partei Deutschlands (Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany); Jugendverband REBELL (Youth League REBELL) Germany


January 2016


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