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Celebration for the change of the ICOR Main Coordinator

by MLPD, 13 June 2016

Dear comrades,

we cordially invite you to a public celebration on the change of the ICOR Main Coordinator from Stefan Engel to Monika Gärtner-Engel on Friday, 1 July 2016.

We would be happy to receive guests from Europe, messages of greetings, cultural contributions, etc.

We would gladly organize overnight accommodations. On July 1st, beginning at 2 pm, the summer festival of the Horster Mitte is also taking place. Of course, it would be possible to arrange talks that weekend, too.

Please let us know by 25 June 2016 whether you would like to attend and if you have any questions. You can also send us written contributions until then.


With warmest greetings

Peter Weispfenning

Person responsible for internationalism MLPD



The celebration will begin at 7 pm, opening at 6 pm


Kultursaal Horster Mitte

Schmalhorststr. 1 c

45881 Gelsenkirchen


No entrance fee – donations are welcome

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