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An Urgent Appeal from Front Line Socialist Party

ICOR ICC (International Coordinating Committee), 23 April 2016

ICOR assures the Frontline Socialist Party its full solidarity and publishes the call of FLSP practical solidarity on the homepage of the ICOR (see below). ICOR represents the unswerving solidarity and the common cross-border struggle against exploitation and oppression and for socialism.

Long live international Solidarity!

Workers of all countries, unite!

Workers of all countries and oppressed peoples, unite!

Stefan Engel

ICOR Main Coordinator


2016 April 21st

Pubudu Jayagoda - On behalf of the Central Committee of Front Line Socialist Party

Dear Comrades,

Polit-beuro member of our party Comrade Kumar Gunarathnam have sentenced to one year imprisonment.The government is trying to deport him from the Island after his imprisonment. It's a political revenge and a state repression on our party. Also it is a great threat to the political rights of the working class in Sri Lanka.We need your fraternal assistance in this issue. 

We send 1.A brief introduction on the problem, 2. Special statement by Comrade Kumar Gunarathnam in the Courts, 3. A draft letter to the President of Sri Lanka herewith. Please discuss this matter in your Party/ Organization and take a necessary action. If you send a letter to the Sri Lankan President, please send it to following address and send a copy to us. 

The President,

Presidential Secretariat, 

Colombo - 01,

Sri Lanka.

We are waiting for a reply.

Thank you very much.

With Revolutionary Greetings,

Pubudu Jayagoda

On behalf of the Central Committee of Front Line Socialist Party

2016 April 21st

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