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About the situation of class conflict at Egypt & the faith of popular uprising with the mission of communists

"Elshagheela" news paper - the inner media of R.C.P. Egypt, 1 July 2016


Dear comrades - Red greetings

What happened and still happening at Egypt is one of the most translator about the class conflict. After two uprisings (big demonstrations), Egyptian people - specially political power - wished to be one of them at least a real revolution for change, but what happened (the events coarse) transformed the wish from revolution to uprising due to weakness of organisations and absence of political party able to organize the people specially after long duration of military regime (old-new) which marginized all political power and used to make the awareness of Egyptian people shallow.

Yes, it was a great popular uprising and the wishes of changes were massive so it became two uprisings instead of one and because of that the counter-revolution reply in a very violent & strong reaction to defend their presence which is really the presence of great capitalism and the presence of military generals who are partners of this capitalism at domination and controlling Egyptian people wealth. Not only that but also the generals became agents for group of agents - instead of direct agency- on top of them K S A and Gulf countries. We put some axises to clarify the class conflict, what happened at Egypt, our goals and strategy to face military regime octobus as follows :

  1. Absence of political freedom, the security fist, dealing with peaceful demonstrations as crime, sending intellectuals and democrats to the prison , illegal detention and random arresting :

The regime suppress by his security fist all people who are defending or suspecting to defend the freedom and rights of Egyptian people and the cases of forced disappearance is much and still continue not only for Egyptians but also for non Egyptians as the Italian researcher "Julio Reginey" . The disappearance was not the end but torture, killing and hiding the killed people bodies also occur; which makes the European parliaments recommended to cut the military and economic aids with more investigating at case of "Julio".

The regime co-operate with the regressive power & religious power - all of them- as the regime is unable to solve the economic crisis, social affairs, political and freedom cases. He requested help from "AL- AZHAR" - which is an official regressive religious establishment- which was ready to accuse the writers and intellectuals as non religious (kofar) and form committees to fight against the thoughts and thinkers. It resulted in sending some of writers to prison by the middle ages charge " insulting the religion". The regime found all of that not enough to falsificate the Egyptians awareness which made him to ask for help from Salafist power "another regressive religious power" which was clear at the parliament elections as an example

The situation is still as it was before and the popular problems specially economic increase as majority of small factories collapsed side to side with crafts men and workers layoffs which increases the unemployment rate day after day. The regime began to play his old game "coalition with the right fascistic regressive terrorist wing of the regime "Muslim Brotherhood" he returned to make deals with them after the Egyptians dropped them from the popular memory after the very strong uprising (30/6) which affects the brotherhood not only at Egypt but also at a lot of countries at Middle East even countries that support them such as Turkey. The regime recently made -Morsi- the brotherhood president as an innocent and dropped death sentence, which was the judgment of the people to remove and drop the brotherhood from history. That was a clear start of evidences about deals behind closed doors. The military regime doesn't know or understand the democracy or freedom & knows only one language which is suppression and more suppression. The regime accuses any one who is suspected to say one word against it and the charges are extremely strange; for example accusing one of our comrades as he was at 25 January uprising !! as if 25 January is a charge !!, another comrade accused as he demonstrated against Sadat regime (1971-1981) !!. This is the truth about the regime who sees the January 25 as a catastrophe or set back.

  1. The second axis is the reconciliation with the capitalists, trying to make them satisfied, open door to investment men side to side with canceling support which makes the prices of goods, fuel and essential needs and services increase.

After the prime minister's declaration about the government work plan that was in front of parliament which wasn't new (the plan) and he insisted on his tendency to cancel the support completely and style the policy of colonization under the slogan of investment. It was so clear at address of general Sisi at all international conferences and his invitations to China , Russia , France and other capitalist states with promises of canceling or reducing taxes and ease all methods of stealing wealth of Egyptians.

This military fascist president went to a visit to South Korea which is a base for American military forces to abort all people trial for socialism aiming to end poverty, exploitation and hunger. This state which U S A threaten through it the Democratic Republic of Korea and its people by nuclear bombing as happened before at WW2 (the catastrophe of Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear bombing). This is the policy of war and colonize the world by controlling the wealth of people at the planet so we ask : -which policy is this ?! and why visiting South Korea instead of democratic Korea ?! It's clear as those generals are agents for imperialism and for local agents at the area to dominate and steal allover the ground. Some people specially some political power see that the regime reconciles with business men again through action of reconciliation who are supposed to nationalize their wealth who steal it from people's wealth as Hussein Salem, Ahmed Ezz and others but we see that it's not completely right as the regime wasn't in conflict at any stage before to reconcile with them but it was tactics to get out of problems which faced the regime since 2011 or even before at 2005 when the Egyptian people refused to continue Mubarak as a president and his wishes to make the role hereditary to his son.

  1. The third axis is the Dam of Millennium crisis and the forceful thirst which will affect millions of Egyptians :

The failure of the regime to reach a good solution with Ethiopia to solve the problem of the dam and river Nile threaten the people and farming land seriously, specially the crops that need a lot of water for irrigation which will disappear from Egypt soon.

The problem is not far from Zionist state "Israel" as we saw at news that it is ready to help at solving the problems to get the price from Sinai Peninsula land. It is clear why the regime displaces Sinai citizens and attacks them in media as they are terrorists, and some of them (regime propaganda men) say "it's only for facing terrorism". We saw discussions at parliament wanted to displace Sinai citizen forcefully which was a crisis inside the parliament threaten the membership of its members as Sinai representative refuse this and faced it strongly. There was also a press declaration to general Kamel Al Waziery - vice chief of military engineering - , he said that Sinai citizens are terrorists and we should displace them to face terrorism !! .

Our urgent mission is the enlightenment, revolutionism, culturizing side by side with organizing the nuclei of Bolshevik party, joining people and defend on patriotic affairs.

We launched from start to organize a strong party aiming to collect the revolutionary youth beside working class and its allies (poor farmers, small bourgeoisie and all suppressants at society) to make the vision clear and to increase the awareness of poverty.

The revolutionary communist party - Egypt is sharing at building cadres courses & entering factories, country zones and marginal areas as we were and still against elite conferences. We are simplifying the political communist theory and address to the people without loss of the political meanings of the class conflicts. Our inner system reflects clearly that we styled a new condition at Egypt stated that (should be two members from every governorate elected at central committee to not to repeat the false of intensifying the members from Cairo and Alexandria "the two big cities"). We did that as we follow our great leader Lenin taught us as he invited workers to the international committee and conferences even if their awareness was underdeveloped to keep the party on the right way. We are sharing patriotic affairs with other comrades and other revolutionary power in a program for real change. We called for building popular committees all over the country to keep the goals and demonstrations of January uprising, to reach the socialist revolution to get rid of this capitalism and begin to preface for socialism.

Long live Marxism Leninism!

Long live internationalism!

Long live R. C. P. - Egypt!

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