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You are here: Home / 2015 / The Statement of the Communist Party Of South Africa (Marxist-Leninist), CPSA(M-L), on killing and looting of the businesses of our brothers and sisters, who come from other countries of Africa to South Africa.

The Statement of the Communist Party Of South Africa (Marxist-Leninist), CPSA(M-L), on killing and looting of the businesses of our brothers and sisters, who come from other countries of Africa to South Africa.

CPSA(M-L) South Africa, 12-04-2015


The CPSA(M-L),strongly condemns the killing, looting and burning down of the businesses of our brothers and sisters because they are coming from other countries of Africa to South Africa. The CPSA(M-L) calls upon our brothers and sisters of South Africa to stop this killing and looting and it further calls upon all organizations, such as the political organizations, trade unions, federations, community organizations, youth and student organizations and etc. to call upon our brothers and sisters in all provinces to desist from this killing and looting.

The people must know that the starvation, poverty,unemployment, homelessness and misery do not cause by the poor masses like us, they are caused by the bourgeois governments which the poor masses are voting for. These neo-colonialist governments of Africa always keep on promising the poor people with better lives during the voting times.

The people must know that, at no stage that the neo-colonialist governments of Africa stand against the imperialist interests and becoming in favour of the people's interests. These governments, whenever the masses are threatened their interests and the imperialist interests, they will always suppress the mass-struggles violently. The workers, communities, students and peasants are experiencing such brutalities throughout the African Continent. The imperialists, on the other hand are sending NATO, under pretence of keeping peace and stability in Africa. The imperialists together with the neo-colonialist governments of Africa are always massacring the poor masses in Africa, i.e suppressing all mass-uprisings against the policies of imperialism of extensive exploitation and oppression.

This is the time now that all the people of Africa to stop fighting against each other, to stand up and get united, and fight against imperialist domination. Africa must be free from imperialist exploitation and oppression.


Icor Africa calls upon all revolutionaries, trade unions, federations, all working class organizations. Peasants, youth and student organizations, i.e from the North to South of Africa to come together and unite and fight the imperialism and its agencies in Africa.

All the revolutionary and progressive organizations must come and join forces with Icor Africa in order to get rid of imperialism in our continent. So, there is no need to fight each other, the struggle must be directed against our enemies.

All poor masses of Africa must Unite against imperialism!!

Stop kill each other !!

We want a new democratic Africa!!

Down with Capitalism!!

Down with imperialism!!


Communist Party of South Africa ( Marxist-Leninist )

94 Caxton Street, Quigney, East London, 5200 South Africa +27 73 790 2623 Mthembu -

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