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You are here: Home / 2015 / Solidarity with the Spanish Brigadists

Solidarity with the Spanish Brigadists

by Marxist Leninist Party (Reconstrucción Comunista), 21 July 2015
We sincerely appreciate the outpouring of support received in the recent weeks with the two Spanish brigade members who went to give their life against the fascist beast ISIS following his arrest.
Court costs are rising at a high amount and this made us open a bank account number in case anyone wants to show solidarity with these comrades who are suffering state repression for their fair cause.
The account number is: IBAN: ES48 0081-5474-88-0006111818
No matter how much, it will be of great help to cover the legal costs of the brigade members.
We ask you to spread this message. Thanks for participating.
Revolutionary greetings,
Marxist Leninist Party (Reconstrucción Comunista)


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