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Resolution: Solidarity with the Kurdish liberation struggle!

ICOR, 28 October 2015


With great outrage and dismay we condemn the fascist bombing of the peace demonstration in Ankara on 10 October 2015. According to the official information provided to date, 102 persons lost their lives and 526 were injured in the massacre. In Istanbul and numerous other cities in Europe solidarity and protest demonstrations took place on that same day.

Right among the participants of the rally for “jobs, peace and democracy” in front of the Ankara train station two bombs exploded on Saturday morning causing the terrible bloodbath. One explosion hit the bloc of demonstrators of the HDP, the second the bloc of “Partizan” and “Kaldirac”. The police arrived at the scene of the attack only after 15 minutes and used water cannons and teargas against the demonstrators and helpers who were attending to the wounded.

The assault is directed against the liberation struggle of the Kurdish people and against left persons and revolutionaries in Turkey. With the victory of YPG and YPJ in Kobanê the fascist IS has suffered a severe defeat. Broad international solidarity also organized by the ICOR, the International Coordination of Revolutionary Parties and Organizations, has also contributed to this. This is also the basis of the success of the “Peoples' Democratic Party” (HDP) in the last parliamentary elections in Turkey. Because of this President Erdogan is in the defensive.

In a hypocritical way President Erdogan and Prime Minister Davutoglu have condemned this "heinous attack" in order to suspect the fascist IS and the PKK as possible originators in one breath. This absurd equation reveals the true goals, to suppress the Kurdish liberation struggle under the guise of the so-called fight against the IS and to cover the PKK positions in South Kurdistan with bomb attacks.

Three weeks prior to the parliamentary elections this is the climax of a series of assaults, persecutions and arrests aimed specifically against the support of the Kurdish liberation struggle. This was preceded by the Suruç bombing, to which 34 young people fell victim who wanted to support the reconstruction in Kobanê. So far neither this nor the assault on an election meeting of the HDP in Diyarbakir have been cleared up. In September alone there were more than 100 attacks of fascist gangs and of the repressive state apparatus on electoral offices and parliament members of the HDP.

With these protofascist steps President Erdogan is trying to prevent the HDP from repeating its election success of June 2015, when it got 13.1 percent of the votes to prevent the absolute majority of the AKP.* This was an important success of the union of the Kurdish liberation movement with progressive, democratic and revolutionary Turkish forces.

The ICOR declares its full solidarity with the organizations affected by the latest assaults.

The ICOR strongly protests against the terror of the Turkish government and demands the immediate stop of the aggressions against the Kurdish liberation struggle and against democrats and revolutionaries from Turkey. Those responsible must be brought to account.

The ICOR supports the struggle for liberation, democracy and socialism in Turkey and Kurdistan. Lift of the PKK ban! Immediate release of Abdullah Öcalan!

The ICOR brigades for the reconstruction of Kobanê realize the principle of international class solidarity and are a radiant signal to unswervingly move forward on the way to a societal future without exploitation and oppression.

Immediate opening of the humanitarian corridor to Kobanê by the Turkish government!

Long live international solidarity!

Workers of all countries, unite!

Workers of all countries and oppressed peoples, unite!

 *Because of massive obstructions of elections with a wave of state terror for months the AKP again achieved the absolute majority in parliament in the elections on 2 November

Signatories (as of 17 November 2015, further signatories possible)

  1. ORC Organisation Révolutionnaire du Congo (Revolutionary Organization of Congo), Democratic Republic of the Congo

  2. MMLPL Moroccan Marxist-Leninist Proletarian Line

  3. PPSR WATAD Parti Patriote Socialiste Révolutionnaire WATAD (Patriotic Socialist Revolutionary Party WATAD), Tunisia

  4. MLOA Marxist-Leninist Organization of Afghanistan

  5. CPB Communist Party of Bangladesh

  6. Ranjbaran Hezb-e Ranjbaran-e Iran (Proletarian Party of Iran)

  7. CPN (Unified) Communist Party of Nepal (Unified)

  8. NCP (Mashal) Nepal Communist Party (Mashal)

  9. NDMLP New-Democratic Marxist-Leninist Party, Sri Lanka

  10. Krasnyj Klin Gruppa Kommunistov-Revoljucionerov „Krasnyj Klin“ (Group of Communist Revolutionaries “Krasnyj Klin” [Red Wedge]), Belarus

  11. БКП Българска Комунистическа Партия (Bulgarian Communist Party)

  12. KSC-CSSP Komunisticka Strana Cheskoslovenska – Cheskoslovenska Strana Prace (Communist Party of Czechoslovakia – Czechoslovakian Workers Party), Czech Republic

  13. SMKC Svaz Mladych Komunistu Cheskoslovenska (Union of young Communists of Czechoslovakia), Czech Republic

  14. MLPD Marxistisch-Leninistische Partei Deutschlands (Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany)

  15. MIKSZ Magyar Ifjúság Közösségi Szervezete (Organisation of Hungarian Youth Community), Hungary

  16. RM Rode Morgen (Red Dawn), Netherlands

  17. MLP Marksistsko-Leninskaja Platforma (Marxist-Leninist Platform), Russia

  18. VZDOR VZDOR - strana práce (Resistance - labour party), Slovakia

  19. MLGS Marxistisch-Leninistische Gruppe Schweiz (Marxist-Leninist Group of Switzerland)

  20. MLKP Marksist Leninist Komünist Parti Türkiye / Kürdistan (Marxist Leninist Communist Party Turkey / Kurdistan)

  21. KSRD Koordinazionnyj Sowjet Rabotschewo Dvizhenija; Ukraina (Coordination Council of the Working-class Movement of Ukraine)

  22. PR Partija Rada (Party of Labor), Yugoslavia (ex)

  23. PCC-M Partido Comunista de Colombia – Maoista (Communist Party of Colombia - Maoist)

  24. PC (ML) Partido Comunista (Marxista Leninista) (Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist)), Dominican Republic

  25. PCP (independiente) Partido Comunista Paraguayo (independiente) (Paraguayan Communist Party (independent))

  26. ROL Revolutionary Organization of Labor, USA

  27. RMP Российская маоистская партия (Rossijskaya maoistskaya partiya) (Russian Maoist Party)

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