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You are here: Home / 2015 / GWTUC Condemns Criminal Bombing in Turkey....Solidarity with the workers and people of Palestine

GWTUC Condemns Criminal Bombing in Turkey....Solidarity with the workers and people of Palestine

Garment Workers’ Trade Union Centre, Bangladesh Mukti Bhaban, 2 Comrade Moni shingha Road, Purana Paltan, Dhaka-1000;; +8801924150250

GWTUC Condemns Criminal Bombing in Turkey

The Garment WorkersTrade Union Centre, Bangladesh with abhorrence condemns the criminal bombing against the mass mobilization for peace & democracy organized by trade unions, political parties includes HDP and social organizations Saturday, October 10, 2015 in Ankara and which resulted in the death of more then Hundreds of protesters and many others injured.

GWTUC expresses its condolences to the families of the victims and its solidarity with the working class and the people of Turkey at this difficult time.

These developments highlight the need for joint action by the workers and peoples against the imperialist plans and terrorism and for peace to prevail in the region.

Solidarity with the workers and people of Palestine

The GWTUC also expresses its full, stable and long-lasting class solidarity with the people of Palestine and their struggle for an independent homeland. We actively reject the genocide against our Palestinian brothers and sisters perpetrated by the imperialist criminal government of Israel.

We demand the termination of the Israeli aggression against Palestine, the policies of occupation, blockade and genocide against the Palestinian people.

We condemn the hypocrite policies and attitude of the governments of the imperialist countries, specially the United States and the European Union, who are shamelessly supporting the racist government of Israel and its criminal actions against the Palestinian people.

We strongly believe that `The struggle and resistance of the Palestinian people will be victorious'.

Workers of the world, Unite!

Monzur Moin
Secretary, International Affairs
Executive Committee

Garment Workers’ Trade Union Center



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