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Condolences To the Sosyalist Gençlik Dernekleri Federasyonu (SGDF)

by ICOR Main Coordinator, 21 July 2015


To the

Sosyalist Gençlik Dernekleri Federasyonu (SGDF)

20. Juli 2015

Dear comrades, dear relatives,

It is with great indignation and deep dismay that we heard about the fascist terror attack in the cultural centre of Suruç this morning, murdering 28 people so far, mainly adolescents, and injuring more than 100. The young people wanted to participate in the reconstruction of Kobanê and Rojava. Their death is a great loss for the international revolutionary youth movement and our common struggle for liberation. Kobanê is an international symbol of the unbowed resistance against IS-fascism and the struggle for democracy and freedom. This attack also underscores that the struggle against the fascist IS and its supporters is far from concluded and must be continued determinedly.

It was a massacre deliberately directed against young socialists. The fascist terror is responsible, which is being increasingly directed against international solidarity, the struggle for democracy and freedom and the close alliance of the Kurdish liberation movement and the international revolutionary working-class movement.

I assure the relatives of those murdered, their friends and comrades our deep grief and sympathy, but also our anger in view of this cowardly fascist deed.

Let us commemorate the murder victims and honor them by continuing our joint struggle to realize our revolutionary socialist aims and for the reconstruction of Kobanê with even more determination.

We demand the comprehensive clarification of this massacre and the strongest punishment of those responsible.

In sincere solidarity and grief

Stefan Engel,

Party Chairman of MLPD and Main Coordinator of ICOR


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