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You are here: Home / 2015 / Call: Join in and support! Solidarity Brigades for the Reconstruction of Kobanê

Call: Join in and support! Solidarity Brigades for the Reconstruction of Kobanê

by MLPD, 9 June 2015


After 134 days of heroic struggle the Kurdish People's Prtection Units (YPG) and the Women's Protection Units (YPJ) liberated the city of Kobanê in Rojava from the fascist terror gangs of the so-called “Islamic State” (IS) late January 2015. That was a victory of the Kurdish liberation struggle, being inferior in terms of weapon systems, but superior in terms of morality, in unity with the worldwide solidarity movement.

Rojava (Southern Kurdistan/Syria) stands for the currently most progressive struggle for freedom and democracy. The democratic self-government is promoting the peaceful coexistence of all ethnic groups. Rojava is a pioneer regarding women's rights, promotes the protection of the environment and the solution of the social issues.

Now Kobanê has to be reconstructed.

More than 80 % of the city were destroyed, 200,000 inhabitants have fled; most of them still cannot return because they have no access to basic necessities. It is scandalous that the Federal Government of Germany does not provide any reconstruction assistance until now, even though it shows off as great campaigner for human rights and development everywhere in the world.

Due to this, the revolutionary world organization ICOR (International Coordination of Revolutionary Parties and Organizations) with its 48 member organizations has decided to send solidarity brigades to support the reconstruction. This arises from the basic idea of friendship among peoples and mutual international solidarity.

It closely cooperates with the Kurdish umbrella organization “Democratic Society Congress of Kurds in Europe” (KCD-E) and the leading party in Rojava, the PYD. They jointly agreed, that the solidarity brigades help with the reconstruction of medical facilities.

The project is being supported by the solidarity and relief organization “Solidarity International”, solidarity committees working together without regard for political affiliation (ueberparteilich), the youth league REBELL and many more organizations and individuals.

Altogether, 60 to 100 international brigadists from Germany and many other countries are to go to Kobanê from 20 June to 19 September 2015.

Skilled workers, helpers and more supporters are needed. At first construction works to reconstruct medical facilities are in the focus, where construction experts of all kinds and construction helpers are needed. Especially at the end, nurses and physicians are needed, too, to actuate the medical care. Also translators (especially Kurdish, Arabian and Turkish), people with experience in disaster relief, with organizational abilities etc. are in demand. We are especially turning to young people who want to learn for life and the struggle for a future worth living through this practical solidarity work.

Prerequisite for the participation is a minimum age of 18 and the self-obligation for the selfless dedication for the reconstruction in Kobanê on an internationalist foundation. This includes responsible and disciplined conduct, conscientious work, to integrate in the community and readiness to subordinate to the leadership of the brigade.

The Kurdish partner organizations have committed to take the necessary precautions for the safety of the brigades. You have to be able to work under pressure; there are temperatures of partly more than 40 degrees. You will work in a city destroyed in the war and live in temporary accommodation.

You will get an answer to your application with further information within two weeks as the latest.


The travel will be centrally coordinated and organized. Thus, individual flight bookings are not possible. But the applications have to provide the necessary dates for a flight booking (number of passport/identity card, first name and last name, date of birth). Entry conditions for German citizens are a valid passport or identity card.


Travel expenses will amount to about 500 euro. In addition we ask to bear one's own daily rate of 10 euro for board and lodging, altogether about 750 euro. Local or regional solidarity support should be organized where it is necessary so that everybody can participate.

The standard vaccinations against tetanus, polio and pertussis are necessary. Each brigadist should bring along basic personal equipment (at least appropriate work clothing, safety footwear, protective helmet, work gloves, sleeping bag, sleeping mat, camping tableware, torch, hat, sun protection).

Ling live international solidarity!


Reconstruction phases for support

The brigades will be under way for blocks of a four weeks period. A shorter time frame does not make sense due to the arrival and departure time and the necessary border crossing. There is also the possibility to apply for special (unpaid) leave at the workplace for this humanitarian operation.

Block 1: Outbound flight Sa. 20 June 2015, return flight Sa. 18 July 2015

Priority construction work

Block 2: Outbound flight We. 15 July 2015, return flight Tu. 11 August 2015

Priority construction work

Block 3: Outbound flight Sa. 8 August 2015, return flight Sa. 5 September 2015

Priority construction work

Block 4: Outbound flight Su. 23 August 2015, return flight Sa. 19 September 2015

Construction work and also support of medical care

(single changes are possible)


Please forward your application to the MLPD which is responsible for the brigades as German ICOR organization. The best way is via the local representation of the MLPD; in exceptional cases, direct applications to the central committee are also possible. A participation is only possible with an explicit confirmation.

Please transfer donations for financial support of the solidarity brigades to the bank account of “Solidarity International”. IBAN DE86 5019 0000 6100 8005 84; BIC FFVBDEFF, Frankfurter Volksbank with the key word “ICOR Brigades”.

Building material and medical equipment is urgently required, too. Read more:


Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany

Schmalhorststr. 1 c, 45899 Gelsenkirchen

Telephone #49-209 95194-0,


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