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ALL PAKISTAN TRADE UNION FEDERATION  Workers Assembly to Pay Tribute to Veteran Leader Gulzar  Ahmed Chaudhary (Late)

by APTUF, 4th February 2015 (at Punjabi Complex, Qaddafi Stadium)


ALL PAKISTAN TRADE UNION FEDERATION holding a workers assembly to pay homage to veteran trade unionist, Comrade Gulzar Ahmed Chaudhary (Late), He was passed away on February 14th 2011,  his death was an irreparable loss to Labour Movement, not only for our country, but across the globe. He was a  General Secretary of All Pakistan Trade Union Federation and remained in that position till his death. But most notable is the role that he played in building the strength of union in the decade. He also played a leading role in building its weight among the working class. He also stood firm struggle against capitalism, Imperialism and for peace and also formed Alliance of trade union federations under the umbrella of Pakistan Workers Confederation against the capitalist and Imperialist anti workers and people policies.

Com. Gulzar not only leave a void in our life, but also produce a setback to the Trade Union Movements in Pakistan  and abroad.  He was a great statesman and leader of the masses and classes.  Our beloved great leader Com. Gulzar Ahmed Ch (Late) had been active in the Pakistani Trade Union Movement for decade. Departure of such a legendary personality at the time when Trade Union Movement is passing through its most difficult time is a great loss to Labour Movement.

To pay great tribute to renowned labor leader Com. Gulzar Ahmed Chaudhary (Late) All Pakistan Trade Union Federation is holding a Massive procession on 14th February 2015 at Punjabi Complex, Qaddafi Stadium Lahore, at 1:30 pm.  Workers from railway open-line, workshops, formal and informal sector all over Pakistan will participate. 

Labor leaders, intellectuals, lawyers, Journalists, human right activists, political parties representatives invite to speak on this occasion.

We are thankful if you send a message of solidarity to:

Please join us and pledge to follow his footsteps to raise Red Union Flag to the highest peak of strong Trade Union Movement in Pakistan.



Rubina Jamil                                                                                                  Nasir Gulzar

General Secretary                                                                                          Chairman

ALL PAKISTAN TRADE UNION FEDERATION                                                 03229416847



Tel: 0301-4667633


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