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Our Comrade Avaşin, comunist Fighter, internacionalist revolutionary is immortal

by MLCP / Rojava, 8 March 2015

We have passed our comrade-in-arms, our source of joy in the unit, Avasin Tekosin Guenes, in Til Temir in to infinity. Our pain is enormous. Our anger is as big as the mountains. Our communist comrade Avasin Tekosin Guenes, born in Germany with African roots, has died as a martyr in an attack of the Islamic State (IS) in Til Temir at 3.00 am on the 7th of March.

Our comrade Avasin was resisting with her weapon at the front line since many days against the continuing cruel attacks of the IS-Gangs on Assyrian villages in Til Temir.

Many terrorists were killed at this battle. Our comrade Avasin has fought till her last bullet with the freedom fighters of YPG-YPJ. They have stopped their forway and have written a historical moment at this resistance in Rojava.

They have created barricades of freedom against the foray of the terrorist organization IS, who wanted to occupy the village after their fail in Til Hemis and Til Barak. Our freedom fighters have ruined their plans to take Til Temir, to control the road to Haseki and to commit by this way new massacres at the people in Rojava.

There is still a huge resistance against the foray of IS. The forces of MLKP, YPG and YPJ are building an unbelievable front of resistance. In Til Temir is an epos written right now. This epos is written with the blood of the brave fighters of MLKP, YPG and YPJ.

Our comrade Avasin Tekosin Guenes, whose real name is Ivana Hoffmann, was born on th 1st of September in 1995 in Germany. She has joined our communist organization in young years and has managed many assignments in her city as at the battle also. Our active fighter was since six months in Rojava and has filled assignments at devious points in the canton of Cizre.

At least she has taken her place at the unit in Til Temir to fight against the attacks of the IS. She was at the front line since the first day.

Our comrade Avasin was a communist woman who was in love with the freedom, who wanted accountability, an internationalist who could feel the pain of people at her deepest.

She has taken the fight of the Kurdish and Turkish people against the fasicst dictatorship, against the exploitation as her life philosophy. She loved it to sing Kurdish songs. She has spoken Kurdish and Turkish.

Avasin has put down everything from Europe, for who people are paying thousands of dollars to get there and took her place beside our people and became an example for humanity.

She has given the revolution her sense of love with her internationalist communist way of life.

Her focus was always on Kurdistan.

She looked at the freedom of the Kurdish people as her own freedom. Our comrade Avasin had become an example of detach with her attitude to the communist work in Europe. Avasin had chosen the battle for the revolution instead of an regular life.

Our comrade Avasin believed that the revolution in Rojava could become an example for the whole region around it and she believed that it is necessary that the revolution keeps alive. The defense of the revolution is the defense of the future. She was not just a fighter, she was also a party member with the tendency to get to higher positions. She dreamed of taking her place at the battle in Turkey and North Kurdistan after the revolution in Rojava. She was a seeker for freedom.

Her dreams are our dreams, her road is our road, her memorial is our honor.

Avasin Tekosin Guenes is immortal!


MLCP Rojava

8 March 2015

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