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Freedom for Abdullah Ocalan — Freedom to Kurdistan



The Kurds and their friends are organising a long march from Frankfurt (1 February), Luxembourg (2 February) and Bern (4 February) to Strasbourg to mark the 16th anniversary of the conspiracy against the Kurdish people’s leader Mr. Abdullah Ocalan, to raise awareness of the Kurdish issue and to call for the freedom of Mr. Ocalan. The march will begin on 1st February and end on 12th February in Strasbourg. On 13th February, the millions of signatures gathered as part of the petition for the freedom of Abdullah Ocalan will be released and presented to the Council of Europe.


The Bern March: Women walking for the freedom of Ocalan

The march from Bern to Strasbourg, whose principle slogan will be Freedom for Abdullah Ocalan — Freedom to Kurdistan, will be organised by the Kurdistan Free Women’s Movement who will also walk under the banner of “Women walking for the freedom of Ocalan”.

It was 16 years ago on 15th February 1999 that the Kurdish people’s leader Mr. Abdullah Ocalan was captured in the city of Nairobi, Kenya, and handed over to the Turkish state as part of an international conspiracy. Since then he has been detained on the island of Imrali in solitary confinement. Despite isolated and oppressive conditions, Mr. Ocalan has persisted in his efforts to achieve a peaceful solution to the Kurdish issue. He has been meeting with Turkish state officials for a peaceful and political solution to the Kurdish conflict for several years and finally for the last two years. The Kurdish side considers him to be their chief negotiator. Because of Mr. Ocalan’s efforts and appeals, the Turkish army and the Kurdish guerrilla forces have enforced a ceasefire, which saved the lives of thousands. Mr. Ocalan is not only a political leader; He is also a theoretician, an academic and a leader of considerable social standing. He developed the theoretical foundations of the Women’s Freedom Ideology and along with its thousands of cadres; he inspired the development of the Kurdish Women’s Freedom Movement that has now gained a global reputation. In a region like the Middle East, where religious intolerance and reactionary social forces are prevalent, Kurdish women have made major advances socially, politically and in combat against ISIS in Kobane, Rojava (Syrian Kurdistan) and the rest of Kurdistan.


The Frankfurt March: Support Kobane, Sinjar resistance, and call up the international community to recognise the Canton Administrations of Rojava

The march from Frankfurt will also be carried out under the slogan of Freedom for Abdullah Ocalan — Freedom to Kurdistan. However, the Frankfurt march’s secondary message will be “Support Kobane and Sinjar” and it will call for the international community to recognise the Canton Administrations of Rojava. The Kobane resistance continues while ISIS’s attacks are still ongoing. Despite the ongoing crisis, a humanitarian corridor has still not been opened to Kobane. The Turkey does not permitted humanitarian corridor and continues its support to ISIS.

There are still over 3,500 Ezidi Kurdish women in the hands of ISIS. These women are facing sexual violence, enslavement and torture.

After the start of the Syrian civil war 4 years ago, Kurds have found an alternative way by forming of three cantons in their own region of Rojava. These cantons are democratic, inclusive and locally represented by Kurds, Arabs, Syriacs, Armenians, Chechens and different faith groups such as Muslims, Christians, Ezidis and Alevis.  Moreover, have at least 50% female representation. Rojava has been under the attack of Al-Qaeda affiliated groups like Al Nusra and ISIS for 4 years now as well as being under an embargo from all sides. Groups like ISIS pose clear danger for us all. The Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris shows just the fraction of the scale of the threat. The most efficient force in fight against ISIS are the Kurdish forces, (YPG/YPJ), yet these forces do not receive the international support and recognition that they deserve. This policy needs to change. The Canton administrations of Rojava must be recognised.


The Luxembourg March: Do not be a party to this injustice; remove PKK from the terrorist organisations list

Kurdistan was divided into four parts against the will of the march from Frankfurt will also be held under the slogan of Freedom for Abdullah Ocalan — Freedom to Kurdistan. This march will also walk under the banner of “Don’t be a party to this injustice; remove PKK from the terrorist organisations list”.

Kurdistan was divided into four parts against the will of Kurdish people and wiped out of the map. The fundamental rights of the Kurds have been undermined and their existence denied. Kurdish political aspirations have been suppressed, and even the slightest demands for rights have always been brutally crushed. In the face of this brutality, the Kurds had no other choice but to resist. The PKK movement is an organisation formed by those Kurds who have chosen to resist. The armed resistance of the PKK was a response to the armed suppression by the Turkish state. The Kurdish Freedom Movement has only defended itself, its people and its country from occupation and brutality. To classify this as terrorism, to deem the Freedom Movement as terrorist is completely unjustified and only serves to justify the occupation, brutality and torture that has been occurring in Kurdistan.


The PKK is a liberation movement, and through its activities has proven that it is also a humanitarian movement.  PKK and those forces aligned with the PKK are the most effective force protecting the people and humanity from ISIS, while regime forces flee,  especially In Kobane and Sinjar, which has been witnessed by the world. the Iraqi Prime Minister Haydar El Abadi’s statement was enlightening, In an interview with the Al Hurra TV station, Ebadi said that “In regards to the protection of civilians, the PKK has worked like an international aid organisation. I am thankful for their work.”

Currently, the PKK, and other groups aligned with the PKK, are on the frontline against ISIS in both Rojava and Southern Kurdistan. It is a paradox that the US and the EU, who prescribed the PKK on their terrorist lists, are on the same side with PKK in the fight against ISIS. An even bigger paradox is that both ISIS and the PKK are on these same lists. This anomaly should end, while PKK is in talks with the Turkish state, USA and EU keeps them in terrorist list to satisfy Turkey.

However, enough is enough! Once again, we reiterate our call: “Don’t be a part of injustice; remove PKK from the terrorist organisations list”.

We are walking to raise our voices about the issues outlined above. Within this framework, we call upon all the peoples of Kurdistan and their friends to join us in this march: Freedom for Abdullah Ocalan — Freedom to Kurdistan.


KCD-E – Democratic Society Congress of Kurds in Europe


For applications to join the march:

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