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The defense of Rojava by revolutionaries is the order of the day!

from MLCP International Bulletin No. 146, 01 December 2014

On November 15th various revolutionary and communist organisations came together on the initiative of our party, ICOR and the MLPD to discuss the current situation in the Middle East and the fights of the people in Rojava and Palestine.

Apart from the MLPD and Rode Morgen Niederlande (Netherlands), both ICOR organisations from Europe, the organisations Communist Construction from Germany, the Communist Party Iran/Komala, the PFLP and DFLP from Palestine, as well as the organisations TKP/ML, MKP , TKIP from Turkey and Kurdistan and representatives of the KCD-E and NAV-DEM representing the Kurdish movement.

One important point of the meeting was emphasizing the necessity of the united struggle of all peoples of the Middle East against imperialism, the regional reactionary regimes and terrorist gangs. Especially the heroic fights of the Kurdish and Palestinian people urgently need to be united again. The fights of the people of the Middle East require a closer networking and coordination and this was again underlined at this meeting.

Despite the differences between the revolutionary organisations in terms of the analysis of the situation in the Middle East and the conscious for the Rojava Revolution, all organisations agreed on importance of the fight in Rojava that goes beyond the Middle East and that all revolutionaries worldwide must support according to their means.

In the common final statement it said:
„We call up to: form solidarity committees, organize meetings, demonstrations, occupations and strikes at work, at universities and schools, in the streets and on the squares.
We call up to: collect financial and material donations, create publicity; discuss and inform about the current situation.
We call up to: participate actively in the struggle of the peoples of the Middle East, defend the revolutionary Rojava by your participation in the international brigades!”

This call must be answered by the progressive and revolutionary organisations and individuals of the world, they must act now. The International Day of Global Action for Kobane on the 1st of November was the beginning. Now, the actions must be continued and widened determinedly. Rojava, the democratic society system that is being constituted as well as the people of the region must be defended humanitarianly, politically and militarily against the imperialist, fascist and colonialist attacks. We shouldn’t leave the people in Kobane alone, in Afrin, Cizre, and Sengal, and we must stick to our international commitment and contribute to the defense of Rojava and understand and live the Rojava revolution and our revolution.
The meeting of the different organisations of the Middle East and Europe was a good step to deepen the conscience for the fights of the people in the Middle East and the Rojava revolution. Various upcoming actions, initiatives and campaigns were discussed and presented with which the organisations want to contribute supporting the people in Rojava.

The support for Rojava should of course not be limited to revolutionaries and communists. Rojava and the people in this region must be supported by all antifascist, anti-imperialist and progressive forces and organisations.

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