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Solidarity with Rojava! Oppose any colonialist and imperialist aggression!

Resolution of the 2nd ICOR World Conference


The bloody war between the reactionary Baath-regime and the armed FSA/Al-Nusra/ISIS gangs has been going on for more than three years and has already left more than 150,000 dead. Right from the beginning the different imperialists and regional regimes have instigated, encouraged and intensified the conflict by supporting one side or the other. In this conflict neither side has represented the interests of the peoples of Syria.

In the middle of this bloody war the Kurdish population in Rojava rose, liberated Kurdish areas in Syria and started to construct autonomous structures in all spheres of life, which today are taking on more and more concrete forms.

These achievements are constantly under attack and with a comprehensive embargo it is attempted to stifle this hope for the population in Rojava and all the peoples in the Middle East.

Last year, comrade Serkan Tosun, a militant of the ICOR member organization MLKP, was killed by armed gangs, like many others, during active defense in Rojava.

The ICOR expresses its solidarity with the just struggle of the Kurdish people in Rojava. To show this in practice ICOR organized a solidarity campaign on behalf of the population in Rojava last year and its member organizations provided information about the situation in Rojava.

The 2nd ICOR World Conference expresses its solidarity with the struggle of the population in Rojava for its democratic autonomy and self-government and with their struggle for national and social liberation. It condemns every imperialist intervention, intervention by reactionary states of the region and attacks by Islamist terror gangs in Syria.

The 2nd ICOR World Conference welcomes the regional self-governments in Rojava, which have been proclaimed in Cizîre, Kobanê and Efrin, and also the further steps towards democratic self-government.

The 2nd ICOR World Conference expresses its solidarity with the liberation struggle of the Kurdish people in all parts of Kurdistan and defends the Kurdish people's right of self-determination.

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