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Resolution about Trade with Various Products

Resolution of the 2nd ICOR World Conference


1.The Founding Statute of the ICOR states that the financing of the revolutionary workers' organization includes “gains from the sale of revolutionary literature and similar opportunities”. The trade with various products therefore belongs to the tasks of financial work and aims at creating sustainable and significant income for ICOR.

2. An exact description of the task of trade with various products, including all necessary processes, must be decided on by the ICC in cooperation with the CCCs. As soon as possible, a proposal for that shall be submitted to the members, which will serve as a draft for a resolution.

3. For the successful implementation of this task principles have to be observed.

4. First of all, the founding of legally legitimized associations in the respective ICOR member countries: clubs, private limited companies, persons with operative legal capacity etc.

5. Salesrooms in strategic places for the sale of the designated products.

6. Guarantee in the exporting countries of a lasting production of the products for sale at reasonable prices – without deviating from proletarian values in the production process.

7. Guarantee of a lasting export at reasonable prices without reducing the costs of the export products too much.

8. It must be differentiated between the costs of production, of transport and of the sales services and the sales prices.

9. The sales revenues after deducting the various respective costs should be divided in a ratio of 50% to 50% between the exporting and importing organization.

10. The various products do not replace the membership contributions to the ICOR. The contributions are not regarded as paid until the payments of the members have arrived directly at the central cash-box of the ICOR.

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