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Protect Kobanê! Prevent a second Sengal! Defend the courageous Rojava!

Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany (MLPD) Current information For press and public - 29 September 2014


After a visit to the Syrian-Turkish border, the vice chair person of the MLPD, Monika Gärtner-Engel stated:
'In the framework of a women's delegation of the 'World Women' I had the opportunity to have a close look at the situation at the Syrian- Turkish border on 28 September 2014. The situation is alerting and the entire democratic global public is called to defend Kobanê and the courageous Rojava.'

The inhabitants of the village Ali Zer near the city of Suruc – Gärtner-Engel reports after her visit – are living within sight of their Syrian neighbor village which is already occupied by the fascist troops of the Islamic State (IS). The city of Kobanê, being called the 'heart of Rojava', is being besieged on three sides. Rojava is causing a stir worldwide with its structures of democratic self-government and
overcoming of patriarchal structures. The inhabitants of Ali Zer are reporting with concern about a possible imminent advance of IS to Kobanê. 'This means the threat of a second dreadful massacre after Sengal. Now the IS is directing its main attack against Rojava because the democratic structures having developed there and especially the models of equal rights for women are a deep
anathema to them,' says the young mayor Zohal.

Ten thousands of women, men and particularly young people from Turkey and even the European countries have gathered to build a human protective shield along the border of 600 kilometer to protect the Syrian-Turkish border. Contrary to other publications, the Turkish government does not support the resistance against the IS, but is hampering it – even with police/military operations where people were injured.

The Kurdish village people also ask themselves with concern what to think about the US American help. 'The US are preening themselves with their air raids, expressing their underestimation of the IS until now – and are only bombing facilities of the oil and gas extraction, but not the murderous troops around Kobanê. Why are they tolerating the danger of a massacre of inhabitants of Kobanê?'

One is left with the suspicion that the raw material is more of imperialist interest than the people – especially when these are experimenting with fundamental societal alternatives.

So the demonstration of the women's delegations got much attention and agreement from the inhabitants and the press and supporters who showed solidarity. It was a practical signal of the conference of the 'world women' of the Middle East being held successfully before.
Delegates from 10 countries had resolved unanimously to act as 'world women' in the future, to cooperate in the process to prepare the 2 nd World Women's Conference of rank-and-file women 2016 in Nepal. They elected coordinators and deputies from the Kurdish movement of the four countries in Syria, Turkey, Iran, Iraq and from Palestine, Tunisia and Turkey. One of the final resolutions is an ardent call to the women of the world for solidarity with Kobanê and the future project Rojava. For its part it assures full solidarity with the struggles of all world women.

The final resolution was read out in Ali Zer in the face of the border and the village being occupied by the IS. The committed speaker is Parvin Ardalan – one of the initiators of the 'One million signatures'
campaign in Iran and being awarded the Olof Palme Price.”

Read more regarding the conference of the Middle East on the website of the World Women's Conference


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