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Palestine Conflict: The MLPD is rooted in the tradition of the socialist countries

Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany (MLPD), August 2014 Article from the Red Flag – issue no. 32, p. 9


The MLPD stands for a solution of the Palestine conflict in the spirit of the friendship among peoples: For a uniform, democratic and common state of the Jewish-Israeli and the Palestine-Arabic people. As an intermediate step, a democratic "two-state-solution" is necessary, with one each sovereign Israeli and Palestine state. In this, the MLPD continues the fundamental positions of the former socialist Soviet Union under the leadership of Stalin.

After World War II the UN negotiated the Palestine conflict in 1947. Andrei Gromyko, delegate of the then socialist Soviet Union, declared in the UN General Assembly on 14 May 1947:

During the last war, the Jewish people underwent exceptional sorrow and suffering. (...)

The fact that no western European State has been able to ensure the defence of the elementary rights of the Jewish people, and to safeguard it against the violence of the fascist executioners, explains the aspirations of the Jews to establish their own state. (…)

It is essential to bear in mind the indisputable fact that the population of Palestine consists of two peoples, the Arabs and the Jews. Both have historical roots in Palestine. Palestine has become the homeland of both these peoples, each of which plays an important part in the economy and the cultural life of the country.

Neither the historic past nor the conditions prevailing in Palestine at present can justify any unilateral solution of the Palestine problem, either in favour of establishing an independent Arab State, without consideration for the legitimate rights of the Jewish people, or in favour of the establishment of an independent Jewish State, while ignoring the legitimate rights of the Arab population. (...)

All this leads the Soviet delegation to the conclusion that the legitimate interests of both the Jewish and Arab populations of Palestine can be duly safeguarded only through the establishment of an independent, dual, democratic, homogeneous Arab-Jewish State. Such a State must be based on equality of rights for the Jewish and the Arab populations, which might lay foundations of cooperation between these two peoples to their mutual interest and advantage. (…)

Such a solution of the problem of Palestine's future might be a sound foundation for the peaceful co-existence and co-operation of the Arab and Jewish populations of Palestine, in the interests of both these peoples and to the advantage of the entire Palestine population and of the peace and security of the Near East.

If this plan proved impossible to implement, in view of the deterioration in the relations between the Jews and the Arabs (…) it would be necessary to consider the second plan (…), which provides for the partition of Palestine into two independent autonomous States, one Jewish and one Arab. (UN Document A/PV.77

 The representative of the Soviet Union reaffirmed this point of view on the meeting of the General Assembly on 26 November 1947:

The representatives of the Arab States claim that the partition of Palestine would be an historic injustice. But this view of the case is unacceptable, if only because, after all, the Jewish people has been closely linked with Palestine for a considerable period in history. Apart from that, we must not overlook (…) the position in which the Jewish people found themselves as a result of the recent world war. (UN Document A/PV.125


The policy of Stalin is being defamed as "anti-Semitic" by anti-communists of all countries until today. "Anti-Semitic"? No, internationalist and pathbreaking until today!

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