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Message of Greetings from the PCR (Revolutionary Communist Party) of Argentina to the 2nd ICOR World Conference

1 April 2014


While the greatest crisis in the history of capitalism is developing further, the ruling classes are taking measures to shift the burdens of the crisis onto the backs of the working people and the peoples. The conditions were and are very different under which the working class and the peoples of the whole world are fighting to prevent the demolition of the achievements they have attained over many years.

The offensive against the working people is accompanied by repressive laws, “anti-terror” laws and the development of racist, xenophobic and fascist movements like in the USA, France and Greece.

The crisis leads to an aggravation of the inter-imperialist contradictions. The most recent example is Ukraine, while the conflict in Syria is continuing.

In Argentina we are working for the unity of the forces of the workers and the people against the government's policy of adjustment and austerity that shifts the burdens of the economic crisis onto the backs of the people. The central question is - who will pay for the crisis? In the whole country great struggles of the teachers are developing. There are great struggles of state employees for wage increases and of the oil workers in the south of the country for various demands. There are struggles of the farmers and indigenous peoples for land. The indigenous population in the north of the country puts up resistance against the policy of driving them from their land for the sake of extending soya cultivation, as well as mining and oil production. They experience oppression and assassinations. There are struggles of medium-sized farmers affected by the extension of soya cultivation for regional economic sectors (olives, mate, fruit, etc.).

We also declare our solidarity with the people and the government of Venezuela who are facing an offensive of reactionary forces supported by the USA and ultra-right-wing forces of Colombia.

We express our greetings to this anniversary of the ICOR and its contribution to the struggle of the peoples against the imperialist, capitalist system worldwide.

Revolutionary Communist Party of Argentina (Partido Comunista Revolucionario de la Argentina)

Otto Vargas Irene Alonso

Secretary General International Relations

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