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Letter from INDOREV (Indonesia Revolutionary) to all delegates of the 2nd World Conference

1 April 2014


Dear comrades,

First of all we have to say apologize for not able to come participate directly in the 2nd World Conference. Indeed, we have been ready to send two persons as our delegate, but due to some of external and internal obstacles so they had to cancel their departure at the last moment.

From the bottom of our hearts, we, the proletariat and revolutionary workers of people of Indonesia conveyed congratulations to all participants and delegates of conference, the 2nd World Conference of organizations that we loved, ICOR.

We believe that this Conference will succeed in making important decisions that will further strengthen the Organization in carrying out the historical mission of ICOR, the liberation of the oppressed working people of the world from the oppression of global capitalism and imperialism,

Eventually, we called:

Revolutionary Workers of all countries and Oppressed People, Unite!

Long live international revolutionary solidarity!

Long live the ICOR – Onward to Liberation and Socialism!

Let us increase our revolutionary struggle incessantly until the last victory!

In International Revolutionary Solidarity!

On behalf of CC “Indonesia Revolutionary”

Indonesia, April 2014

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