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Let us initiate an offensive of proletarian financial policy

Resolution of the 2nd ICOR World Conference


The financial independence of ICOR and of the individual ICOR-members guarantees the successful building up of ICOR from the start. It was hard-won, in conscious delineation from long-lasting conventions of the Comintern, which, by way of the financial support of the work of brother parties, had created ideological, political and organizational relationships of dependence. In some parties, even the Leninist principle of contribution liability of party members was given up1. Today, the ICOR must defend the principle of financial independence against widespread methods of NGOs, churches and social forums of exerting political influence by means of financial support for conferences, events etc.

Financial independence must become a trademark of ICOR

No one will liberate the working class and the masses, if they do not do it themselves. A liberation from exploitation and oppression can only be achieved in struggle by the masses, if its financing relies on their own strength. This is an indispensable part of the education of the masses for self-liberation in the struggle against the system of corruption and bribery in imperialism, which also influences the masses by means of the petty-bourgeois mode of thinking. The principle of financial independence and unselfishness, in contrast, has a special power of attraction for the masses.

Trust is good, control is better“

Proletarian accounting follows Lenin's principle “trust is good, control is better“. Controlling as implemented by the auditing commissions is not alien to the working class. The controlling of responsible leading bodies by the members and the masses is a decisive conclusion drawn from the revisionist degeneration of former socialist parties. The obligation to provide receipts for all expenses and revenues does not imply the controlling of individual organizations and their work, but only a control of cash flows within ICOR. The regular audits refer to correct and completely controllable accounting in accordance with the decisions.

Let us strengthen proletarian financial morality!

All experience shows that the disposition to donate is greater in the dependent countries in some cases than in the imperialist countries. The mode of thinking “we cannot donate anything, because we don't have anything ourselves“ is a class-alien petty-bourgeois mentality. In some cases, the best donation results have been achieved in particular among the poorest of the poor. For this reason, donation results are a benchmark of the mass line and the connection with the masses. The conscious financial work through the systematic collection of donations and correct payment of contributions are features of proletarian financial policy.

The dialectical unity of expenses and revenues

Karl Marx formulated the basic dialectic unity of expenses and revenues as a principle of proletarian financial policy. In ICOR every member and every elected body is obliged to implement this dialectical unity. While respecting the different financial capacities of the individual organizations, we combine the principle of dialectics of revenues and expenses with the principle of solidarity. According to this, everybody, without any exceptions, accepts the obligation to pay a contribution that he decides according to his financial capacities. At the same time, the differences in financial capacities are compensated by an equalization system among the different continents. This does not lead to dependency, but to an equalization of strengths and weaknesses within ICOR instead. The basis of this is the common aim of self-financing, even if it is only realized as co-payments for the time being.

Let us develop a multitude of initiatives for self-financing the growing tasks:

No political activity without offensive financial work among the masses

Conducting donation collections in connection with joint campaigns

Systematic collection of donations in every form of work among the masses

Alliance building and winning of regular donors for ICOR

Mobilization of the masses for the promotion of ICOR building through material support (production of handicrafts, lodging and catering for conferences and meetings etc.)

 Organization of Subbotnik movements

Development of a long-term merchandise trade for the solid financing of ICOR

1„Lenin insists on the inclusion of the words about material support, since everyone accepts that the Party must exist on the funds of its members. On the question of setting up a political party, there should be no references to moral considerations.“ (Lenin Collected Works, volume 41, p. 90 Speech in the Debate on the Party Rules)

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