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Greeting Message of the RMP (Russian Maoist Party)

to the 2nd ICOR World Conference, 1 April 2014


Dear comrades!

The Russian Maoist Party greets the 11th International Conference of Marxist-Leninist parties and organizations, and the 2nd World Conference of the International Coordination and wishes them success.

We note that our parties suffer from a lack of well-organized multilateral theoretical discussions (for instance when the Italian comrades pushed controversial ideas or when there was criticism on the CPI(ML) “Red Star”) and the inability to quickly produce high-quality documents on current events. We believe that this problem highlights the mastering of modern Web-based technologies that provide operational multilateral discussions. Web-sites ICMLPO (crucially outdated and ICOR ( should change from just static pages depending on the few administrators to a platform facilitating an interactive participation of all members. In this way our international centers could effectively support the national work of our parties.

We ask conferences to consider this issue and the improvement of the global coordination on the whole.

The Russian Maoist Party

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