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Greeting Message of the KOL (Communist Organization of Luxemburg) to the 2nd ICOR World Conference

1 April 2014



We would like to send revolutionary and cordial greetings from Luxemburg and ask you to convey these greetings also to the revolutionary fighters in your countries.

Unfortunately we cannot take part in the 2nd World Conference because of technical reasons. This is all the more unfortunate as the 2nd ICOR World Conference takes place in a situation marked by the turbulences of the deep worldwide capitalist crisis and the intensification of fundamental contradictions.

The world is in motion and the ICOR is right in the middle of it. The founding of the ICOR on 6 October 2010 proved to be justified and allows us to help shape the international revolutionary events by an adequate structure in the interest of the working class and the peoples and to advance the emancipation of humanity by the struggle for socialism on a worldwide scale.


We assure you of our close ties and wish the 2nd ICOR World Conference much success.

Long live the ICOR!

Long live Socialism!

Communist Organization of Luxemburg (KOL)

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