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Greeting Message of the ILPS (International League of Peoples' Struggle) to the 2nd ICOR World Conference

1 April 2014


Dear Comrades,

We, the International League of Peoples' Struggle (ILPS), convey warmest greetings of solidarity to the International Coordination of Revolutionary Parties and Organizations (ICOR) on the occasion of its Second World Conference.

We congratulate you for all your achievements in undertaking various mass movements against the exploitation and oppression of the people and against the plunder of natural resources and the degradation of the environment by the imperialist system.

We are gratified that our two organizations have fruitfully cooperated in a number of campaigns, such as those against the nuclear plants and weapons in the hands of the monopoly capitalists and against the causation of global warming and bigger and worse natural disasters by the imperialist plunder and degradation of the environment.

There is an urgent need to intensify the revolutionary mass struggles of the proletariat and people in the face of the protracted and ever worsening crisis of the world capitalist system. The proletariat and people must overcome their suffering, liberate themselves and aim for the establishment of socialism.

We hope that your conference will result in the further consolidation of ICOR as an organization for proletarian internationalism and lead to greater successes in the mass movement and party building.

We also hope that we continue to develop our alliance, cooperation and coordination in the struggle against imperialism and all reaction.

With best revolutionary wishes,

For the International League of Peoples' Struggle,

José Maria Sison


International Coordinating Committee

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