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MLKP Enternasyonal Bülten Sayı: 139, 01 Mayıs 2014 Read More…



MLKP ENTERNASYONAL BüLTEN Sayı: 134, 12 Aralık 2013 Read More…

Letter to the Fraternal Parties

Letter to the Fraternal Parties

by CPB, Communist Party of Bangladesh, 19 January 2013 Read More…

FOR MINIMUM SALARY 600 € in Slovakia!

FOR MINIMUM SALARY 600 € in Slovakia!

by VZDOR – hnutie práce (Resistance - Labour Movement), Slovakia, 9 Febraury 2014 Read More…

Report on the activities during the environmental day of struggle of the ICOR on 16 November 2013

Report on the activities during the environmental day of struggle of the ICOR on 16 November 2013

by Günther Bittel – Spokesman for environmental policy of the MLPD, 7 February 2014 Read More…

Solidarity with the struggling workers in Bosnia-Herzegovina

Solidarity with the struggling workers in Bosnia-Herzegovina

by the European ICOR Coordinators, 18 February 2014 Read More…

Greif is fighting for all of us! Don’t leave them alone!

Greif is fighting for all of us! Don’t leave them alone!

by the Coordinators of ICOR Europe, 4 March 2014 Read More…

Die RAG darf mit ihren Unterdrückungsmaßnahmen nicht durchkommen

Flugblatt der Bergarbeiterbewegung Kumpel für AUF, 10. März 2014 Read More…

The RAG (Ruhr Coal Company) should not be allowed to get away with its oppressive acts

German miners' movement Kumpel für AUF (Alternative-independent-progressive), 10 March 2014 Read More…

To the steelworkers  and their families in Aspropirgos

To the steelworkers and their families in Aspropirgos

by the Central Committee of the MLPD, 24 April 2014 Read More…

Against surrounding Rojava with trenches

Against surrounding Rojava with trenches

from the International Bulletin No. 139 of the MLCP, 1 May 2014 Read More…

Soma/Türkiye madencileri ve ailelerine

Soma/Türkiye madencileri ve ailelerine

Solidaritätserklärung des Hauptkoordinators der Internationalen Bergarbeiterkoordination in türkisch, 14 May 2014 Read More…

Against the Oppression of the Miners

Against the Oppression of the Miners

Resolution of the 2nd ICOR World Conference Read More…

Dockworkers Exchange of Experiences

Dockworkers Exchange of Experiences

Resolution of the 2nd ICOR World Conference Read More…

Resolution on Afghanistan

Resolution on Afghanistan

Resolution of the 2nd ICOR World Conference Read More…

Resolution on democratic movements

Resolution on democratic movements

Resolution of the 2nd ICOR World Conference Read More…

Resolution on Iran

Resolution on Iran

Resolution of the 2nd ICOR World Conference Read More…

Resolution on Palestine

Resolution on Palestine

Resolution of the 2nd ICOR World Conference Read More…

On the Asia Peasant Conference

On the Asia Peasant Conference

Resolution of the 2nd ICOR World Conference Read More…

Support of the World Women's Conference

Support of the World Women's Conference

Resolution of the 2nd ICOR World Conference Read More…

Resolution about Trade with Various Products

Resolution about Trade with Various Products

Resolution of the 2nd ICOR World Conference Read More…

Solidarity with the Marikana Platinum Mineworkers

Solidarity with the Marikana Platinum Mineworkers

Resolution of the 2nd ICOR World Conference Read More…


police against Greek steelworkers of Aspropirgos Read More…

Solidarity with the miners of Soma!

Solidarity with the miners of Soma!

Resolution of the ICOR, 15 May 2014 Read More…

Nee tegen de imperialistische EU-politiek -  Ja voor het internationalisme!

Nee tegen de imperialistische EU-politiek - Ja voor het internationalisme!

Verklaring van het Coördinatiecomité van ICOR-Europa over de Europese verkiezingen in mei 2014, 17 mei 2014 Read More…

On 2014 Lok Sabha Election Results

On 2014 Lok Sabha Election Results

by K.N.Ramachandran, General Secretary, CPI(ML), 21 May 2014 Read More…

Soma Maden İşçileri İle Dayanışma

Soma Maden İşçileri İle Dayanışma

ICOR Devrimci Parti ve Örgütlerin Uluslararası Koordinasyonu, 15 Mayıs 2014 ("Solidarity with the miners of Soma!" in turkish) Read More…

Socialism exhibition

by MLGS, 12 June 2014 Read More…

ICOR 2. Dünya Konferansı’nın Kamuoyuna Açıklaması

ICOR 2. Dünya Konferansı’nın Kamuoyuna Açıklaması

İCOR 2. Dünya Konferansı Kararı, 01 Nisan 2014 Read More…



Reconstrucción Comunista Spain, July 2014 Read More…

Statute of the ICOR

Statute of the ICOR

6 October 2010 (as adopted by the ICOR Founding Conference) 1 April 2014 (as amended by the 2nd ICOR World Conference) 20 January 2016 (correction as decided by the 2nd ICOR World Conference) Read More…

Program of the Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany

Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany (MLPD) Read More…

Palestine Conflict: The MLPD is rooted in the tradition of the socialist countries

Palestine Conflict: The MLPD is rooted in the tradition of the socialist countries

Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany (MLPD), August 2014 Article from the Red Flag – issue no. 32, p. 9 Read More…

أوقفوا العدوان الامبريالي الاسرائيلي على الشعب الفلسطيني   من أجل حل عادل وديموقراطي للنزاع في فلسطين

أوقفوا العدوان الامبريالي الاسرائيلي على الشعب الفلسطيني من أجل حل عادل وديموقراطي للنزاع في فلسطين

in Arabic language: Stop Israel's imperialist aggression against the Palestinian people! For a just and democratic solution of the Palestine conflict! Resolution of the ICOR, 29. July 2014 Read More…

20. Savaşım Yılında MLKP'ye Katıl, Haklı İnsani Mücadeleye Omuz Ver, Onuru Ve Özgürlüğü Yükselt!

20. Savaşım Yılında MLKP'ye Katıl, Haklı İnsani Mücadeleye Omuz Ver, Onuru Ve Özgürlüğü Yükselt!

Marksist Leninist Komünist Parti Türkiye / Kuzey Kürdistan (MLKP), 5 Eylül 2014 Read More…

Liman İşçileri – Deneyim Alışverişi

Liman İşçileri – Deneyim Alışverişi

2. İCOR Dünya Konferansı Kararı, 01 Nisan 2014 Read More…

İran Üzerine

İran Üzerine

2. İCOR Dünya Konferansı Kararı, 01 Nisan 2014 Read More…

Sosyalist Ekim Devriminin 100. Yıldönümü Üzerine

Sosyalist Ekim Devriminin 100. Yıldönümü Üzerine

2. İCOR Dünya Konferansı Kararı, 01 Nisan 2014 Read More…

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