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To the peoples of Turkey, Kurdistan and the region!

Central Committee of the MLCP, 15 September 2013


On September 14 at 5 pm in Rojava, where the heart of the Kurdistan revolution is beating today, where the flag of the rights of the people is blowing one of our fighters, who represent freedom, socialism and our party there, who participate in the defence of the Rojava Revolution, the economic political construction and the work of people's healthcare, our comrade Serkan Tosun, party name Mazlum, became our martyr at a confrontation in Serekaniye. Exactly as comrades Sengul Boran and Yilmaz Selcuk he watered the freedom tree growing in the earth of the Middle East with blood. He is the first martyr in Rojava of MLCP, who is at the same time a Kurdish force. Like comrade Yilmaz, our first martyr in South Kurdistan, comrade Serkan was also a communist who fought unyielingly in Istanbul before. The fascist state terror, detentions and F-Type-Isolation-Prisons did not push him back even a millimetre. On the contrary that increased his rage and let him make several steps forward. When revolution called him he rushed without doubting a moment into underground work. He did not hesitate to assume political military duties. In Rojava, the last place of his struggle, he conquered immortality as party member fulfilling his revolutionary duties.

As a party of dedicated revolutionaries, as vanguard and organised detachment of the working class MLCP will know to advance the struggle of the Yilmaz Selcuks, the Yasemin Ciftcis, the Serkan Tosuns and to be worthy of the martyred comrades and all the martyrs of revolution mobilising all forces and capabilities for the preparations of the victory of revolution.


Comrade Serkan Tosun is immortal!

The martyrs are alive, revolution continues!

Glory to the Rojava Revolution!

Long live the Rojava People's Government!

Down with imperialism and colonialism of the region!

Long live equality, fraternity and the united struggle of the peoples!

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