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You are here: Home / 2013 / To the ICOR-organizations: END THE BOMBING OF GAZA

To the ICOR-organizations: END THE BOMBING OF GAZA

by the ICOR ICC, 23 November 2012

The ICOR condemns the fresh genocide unleashed by the bombing of the Gaza Strip by Israel. Since the last five days, Israel has been cruelly bombarding the Gaza strip from the air and the sea. There are reports of cutting off electric supply and water to the citizens. Many young and old have died including infants. Even humanitarian aid has been blocked and denied entry into Gaza by this Zionist Israeli Government.

This is clearly a war crime and the Israeli Government deserve to be tried as war criminals for this attack. It is not coincidental that the elections in Israel are coming up soon and this spate of attacks can be seen as a part of the launching of the campaign of Benjamin Netanyahu. The imperialist powers have merely stood by as mute spectators. The press too is hardly reporting upon the apocalypse unleashed upon the people of the Gaza strip.

ICOR calls upon the working class and the democratic and oppressed people all over the world to come to the aid of the people of Gaza and come out onto the streets and protest against the bombing and blockade of Gaza and demand its immediate end.


Freedom for Palestine!

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