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Support the People's Uprising! Show International Solidarity!

by MLCP Turkey / North Kurdistan, International Bureau - Statement No. 61, 11 June 2013

In the early morning of the 14th day of the June Uprising a fascist police army numbered in thousands advanced with armoured vehicles, water cannons, gas bombs and rubber bullets against the Taksim Square conquered since June 1 and since than under control of the demonstrators. The clashes for the square lasted for more than 4,5 hours until the police units had to withdraw for the first time due to the determined resistance. They detained more than 100 people and left behind at least as much injured at the Taksim Square. The attacks of the police are continuing. With this brutal attack, which was announced before by the provocation of Erdogan during the last days, the fascist dictatorship and the AKP government have shown once again their character to the world.

The MLCP is calling upon all anti-fascist, anti-imperialist, progressive, revolutionary and communist forces to support the people's uprising rising in Taksim and all over Turkey and Northern Kurdistan. With the slogan "Taksim is everywhere, resistance is everywhere" it calls for increasing the protest actions in front of the embassies of the bourgeois Turkish state and upholding the spirit of resistance of Taksim in all squares of the world and thus support and extend the struggle of our peoples at the Taksim Square an all over Turkey and Northern Kurdistan by practical solidarity.

Long live our Taksim Uprising!
Long live Revolution, long live Socialism!
Long live proletarian Internationalism!

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