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Solidarity Resolution with the SPAR-colleagues in Dätwill

by ICOR Europe, 2nd Continental Conference, 23 June 2013

Dear colleagues,

we heard about your strike in Dätwill (Switzerland) and express our solidarity with your struggle, which is important for the Swiss working class. The exploitation of the working people is being intensified worldwide! To go on strike and demand more staff and higher wages has been a step setting an example for all of the workers in Switzerland!

We denounce the state intervention in the right to strike, which ended your occupation of your workplaces by using repressive measures. At the same time the role of the state as provider of services for corporations and monopolies becomes clear by its use of courts and police. Furthermore it shows the importance of the struggle for a political and legal right to strike in all matters.

Working people are oppressed and exploited worldwide. At the same time working people are a great power, if they are united, a power which can change the world and end exploitation and oppression. You are part of this power.

We are convinced that we as working people worldwide must unite and lead the struggle against exploitation and oppression for genuine socialism! That is what we as ICOR stand up for and we work for the unification of all revolutionary parties and organizations.

We support you and will make your struggle known in our respective countries. If our possibilities allow, we will distribute leaflets in front of the SPAR-branches.


With solidary greetings and wishing much power and perseverance

the 2nd Continental Conference of ICOR Europe


ICOR – International Coordination of Revolutionary Parties and Organizations

- European Coordinating Committee -

PO Box 51140, 3007 GC Rotterdam, Netherlands

Phone: +31-6-42728611


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