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You are here: Home / 2013 / Salute the rightful resistance of the labourers and progressive democrat sectors of Turkey

Salute the rightful resistance of the labourers and progressive democrat sectors of Turkey

by European Coordination of ICOR, 5 June 2013

Big cities of Turkey are afoot for days. Thousands who stand up to defend not only nature but also their future are faced with a limitless police terror.

This is a public rebellion similar to the kind we have seen in Greece, Spain, Egypt and Tunisia.

A movement that is made up of a heterogeneous compound of Turkish and Kurdish labourers, workers, socialists and democrats rises on the basis of anger against the ultra-reactionary Erdogan government and impositions of the islamist AKP government along with neo-liberal capitalist barbarism.

The fight is against the profit ambition of capitalism which destroys humanity and nature and against the terror of the bourgoise state that intensifies in parallel with the deepening crises of the system.

We, the European Coordination of ICOR, enthusiastically salute the rightful resistance of the labourers and progressive democrat sectors of Turkey.

Immediate release of all prisoners!

Resignation of the Erdogan government

Long Live International Solidarity!

Long Live Socialism!

(this a slightly enhanced version of the 2 June 2013 resolution, with some further inputs from ICOR organizations)

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