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Reconstrucción Comunista (Spain) ICOR new member!

by Reconstrucción Comunista, 3 May 2013

Since March 2013, the ICOR has a new member in Europe. The "Reconstrucción Comunista" (Spain) writes:

We completely share the opinion of the necessity of organizing/coordinating with other revolutionary organizations on a cross-border level. This is required by the present times of intensification of imperialism. Proletarian internationalism is an indispensable prerequisite which must be respected. Therefrom follows the necessity of this international unity which will without doubt make us stronger with respect to the common enemy. Because it is clear to us that it is not borders nor races which separate us, but the social class. That is the reason for the necessity of uniting all revolutionaries of the world, unified against capitalism under the science of Marxism-Leninism.


Regarding the struggle for socialism we fully agree to the necessity of revolutionary organizations of every individual country to go a step forward, to make a qualitative leap by organizing in a cross-border way in order to defeat capitalism worldwide and jointly. This is the only chance to oppose capitalism in an effective way.

For this reason we decided to get into contact with the ICOR. We think that it is the best initiative, which is presently in existence, and we firmly believe that we will be able to develop a good work in Spain.

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