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New Year's Greetings to ICOR (in various languages)

by various ICOR organizations, in their original languages


Liebe Genossen und Genossinnen,

"Alle Arbeiter sind Brüder, und ihr fester Bund ist die einzige Gewähr

für das Wohl und das Glück der ganzen Werktätigen und

unterdrückten Menschheit. " Quelle : »Der erste Mai«

geschrieben  April 1905. (Lenin, Band 8, Seite 342 – 346)

Ein kämpferisches und internationalistisches 2013!

wünschen euch eure Genossen aus der Schweiz

MLGS - Marxistisch-Leninistische Gruppe Schweiz


Dear Comrades,

„All workers are brothers, and their union is the only solid guarantee
of the well-being and happiness of all working and oppressed mankind.“

Source:" May Day " written April 1905. (Lenin, Volume 8, Page 342 - 346)

a militant and internationalist 2013!
wish you of your comrades from Switzerland

MLGS - Marxist-Leninist group Switzerland


New Year, New Challenges!
The year that passes in to history-2012- was a provoking, challenging one.
Internationally it witnessed the deepening of the crisis faced by the
global finance system. In spite of the efforts by the governments of the
imperialist countries to transfer its burden to the toiling masses of
their own countries and to the people of the countries under neo-colonial
plunder, they could not overcome it or minimize its impact. On the
contrary, it is showing signs of further intensification. There are
possibilities of more bitter struggles than the Occupy Wall Street which
pitted the 99% against the 1% or the street fights in Greece breaking out
more militantly. Egypt is still in turmoil as people at large are learning
about what is the role of religions today. The street fights in Syria are
continuing unabated. The miners in South Africa are continuing the
struggle. There is not a single country in the world including China,
where the GDP growth level is claimed to be still in two digits, which is
free from growing people’s revolts, as price rise, under employment,
poverty of the masses, gender- caste- race inequalities and corruption are
sky-rocketing. Everywhere people are angry and the New Year is going to
witness more bitter revolts and increasing calls for social change.

Within the country the UPA government has launched more neo-liberal
onslaughts through further dilution of the public distribution system
through so-called cash payments of the subsidies, manipulation of a
parliamentary majority to impose 51% FDI in retail and other vital
sectors. Its policies are giving rise to more scams and it is protecting
the scamsters, devastating the life of the masses further. In spite of the
dog-fights in the parliament, in implementing these anti-people policies
the different political parties leading the central and state governments
are competing with each other.

During this year the bankruptcy of the bourgeois parliamentary system
existing in the country was further exposed. While the government and
opposition got engaged in shouting duels, the attacks on the people went
on intensifying unabated. The masses were devastated further while the
elite class became richer. Prices of all essential commodities and charges
of essential services soared high. Corruption became more rampant. As more
people are forced to migrate to the urban areas due to impoverization of
rural life and displacement for neo-liberal projects, the administration
intensified attacks on the slums to uproot them, without providing any
alternative housing. The communal and caste forces increased their
divisive and reactionary work in the service of the ruling system. The
women, dalits, adivasis, minorities and other oppressed sections came
under increasing onslaughts. As a result,  all the socio-economic,
political contradictions have further sharpened. People are coming out on
the streets increasingly, challenging the ruling system. Delhi witnessed
the storming of the elite ruling class centers by the students, youth and
women. In Ahmedabad people rallied with red flags challenging the communal
fascists and calling for a people’s alternative. All these expressions of
people’s anger and calls for revolutionary changes are bound to intensify
in the New Year.

So it is going to be New Year which poses New Challenges. A powerful
countrywide people’s alternative capable of mobilizing the angry masses
and people’s movements and to lead them towards a radical social change is
the need of the hour. Building such a people’s alternative against all
imperialist onslaughts and against the ruling system is the urgent task
before the revolutionary and democratic forces. The tamashas in the
parliament and in state assemblies expose how anti-people, anti-national
and utterly opportunist are the ruling class, regional, communal, cast
based and pseudo left parties whether in power or in opposition. The task
before the revolutionary left is to expose all these opportunist forces,
to mobilize the masses based on anti-imperialist revolutionary
ideological, political line, to strengtheamn the people’s alternative
capable of overthrowing the ruling system through mighty people’s
uprising, and to advance towards people’s democracy and socialism.

The experience at international and national level shows that, after the
severe setbacks suffered by the international communist movement and the
fall of the socialist models projected in Soviet Union, China and in other
former socialist countries, such an alternative cannot inspire the left
masses if it focuses only on quantitative aspects, only on the number of
people getting mobilized. Such an alternative, while trying to bring
together all genuine left and democratic forces, should focus on a
qualitative leap to transcend past mistakes and limitations and to reach
new theoretical clarity. It should develop the Marxist-Leninist
understanding according to the present conditions and become capable of
re-instilling confidence among the working class and oppressed masses
regarding the possibility of capture of political power and achieving
socialist transformation with an advanced perspective. Let us pledge to
take up this challenge, and advance along this path in the New Year. Let
us make it a year of mightier and more advanced revolutionary offensives.

K. N Ramachandran, Gen. Sec. CPI (ML)
International Department, CPI (ML)






Föderation der kurdischen Vereine in Deutschland
Graf-Adolf-Straße 70a, 40210 Düsseldorf, Tel:+49(0)2111711452, Fax:+49(0)2111711453, E-Mail:
Besinnliche Feiertage und ein menschliches neues Jahr
- Cejn bi şahî û Sala nû bi Kêf be -
- Serrê sima ya newî pîroz bo -
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
liebe Freundinnen und Freunde,
die Föderation der kurdischen Vereine in Deutschland YEK-KOM e.V. wünscht Euch / Ihnen und Eurer / Ihrer
Familie schöne und besinnliche Feiertage sowie einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr.
Bei dieser Gelegenheit sind auch
Zusammenkommen zu erwähnen.
Gerne erinnern wir uns an die vielen Veranstaltungen sowie Ereignisse und vor allem die Ergebnisse der
gemeinsamen Arbeit und Tätigkeiten für das Zusammenleben in Deutschland.
Ein paar Aspekte und Bereiche, die wir gemeinsam im Jahr 2012 vollbracht haben, an denen wir festhalten
und diese erweitern möchten um erneut effektiv und nachhaltig: zu handeln und tätig zu sein.
„Für die Verständigung und das Verständnis
aller Bevölkerungen und Kulturen
Natürlich ist es für die Realisierung dieses Vorhabens notwendig, dass wir alle weiterhin intensiver
miteinander zusammenarbeiten und die Kommunikation gefördert und vor allem gefordert wird.
Sollen diese Feiertage das Füreinander und Miteinander bestärken indem wir es gemeinsam fördern und vor
allem fordern.
Nutzen wir diese Zeiten des Zusammenkommens für den alltäglichen Frieden im kleinen sowie im großen
Kreis dieser Welt!
Hoch lebe die Menschlichkeit! Hoch lebe die Solidarität!
In diesem Sinne: „Das Jahresende ist kein Ende und kein Anfang, sondern ein Weiterleben mit der Weisheit,
die uns die Erfahrung gelehrt hat.“
Mit großer Freude auf das gemeinsame Jahr 2013

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