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Large scale repressions, dismissal and assault and killing of Garment workers of Bangladesh

by the Communist Party of Bangladesh, 28 October 2012
  • April 4,2012.Aminul Islam a Garment Trade Union Activist of Ashulia Industrial Area IA near Dhaka the capital city,belonging to Bangladesh Center of Solidarity went missing on April 4.His dead body was found after 4 days.Previously he was lifted by security and intelligence authorities taken to unknown places,physically tortured and dropped somewhere.This is very common in Bangladeshwhich by now has earned notoriety in extra judicial killings.

  • May 14 Ashulia.Workers of different factories came out on the street in protest against reported killing of Salman and pressing for some urgent demands.Police fired upon the demonstration and a female worker Opex Sweater and an activist of GWTUC was killed and many were injured.

  • May 22.Sinha Textiles and Opex Garment Factory employing 45 thousand workers, Kachpur,Naryanganj,near Dhaka City.126 workers were dismissed illegally.Workers came out on the streets in protest.Police and hired hooligans of employer attacked and assaulted.A female worker Sonya by name was killed and hundreds injured.On May 24 a tripartite meeting was held.Workers representatives were lead by Mantu Ghose,President GWTUC.An agreement was reached accepting some of the demands of workers and opening of factory from the next day.Mantu and other leaders went to factory gate to persue the workers to enter the factory.Production started smoothly.But Mantu and others were assaulted on their way back by hired thugs of the employers,severely injured and rushed to hospital.Later thousands of workers came out on the streets and ransaked Kolapotti market known as the head quarters of local mafia.Here the TU activists were brought their money and mobile snatched and physically tortured and girls raped.In the face of a workers uprising Mannan a leader of the mafia involved in the assault on Mantu was arrested.

  • The owner of Sinha was compelled to sit again with workers on May27,28 and later on June 15th and promised that they will not hire hooligans,no outsider and criminal elements will be allowed to enter the factory,there will be no victimisation for Trade Union activities,5% increment will be given to all workers and 2 festival bonus,each equivalent to one months wage will be given to all the workers.But unfortunately the employers went back on their commitment and delayed opening of the factory.

  • On June 23rd Police,manegarial staff,along with local thugs raided the workers quarters and slums,announced the name of 903 workers who were terminated.Those workers were asked to go to Government Labour Department office,collect their termination letter and dues.Workers were threatened with dire consequences if they tried to protest or participate in TU activities.The raid created a reign of terror and many workers had to leave their place of residence.903 workers were terminated and their list sent to other apparel factories so that donot get a job in another factory.

  • The leaders BGMEA and BKMEA (employers association) along with Minister of Labour and other Ministers announced in meetings TV and Radio broadcasts that they will pay Eid bonus to all workers and also clear all wages and dues.But in reality majority of workers were not given bonus and even their arear wages.In hundreds of occassions when workers demanded bonus or arear wages they were beaten up by employers musclemen and police,dismissed or arrested.Thousands of workers could not manage square meals during the Eid festival which fell on August 20.

  • August 16th.Arround this date, in Ajax Sweater, Jirabo, Ashulia 94 workers were terminated for protesting against lower piece rate. False cases were filed against 55 worker and 5 workers were imprisoned.

  • August 26. Imam Dying Knitting and Finishing Mills Limited ,Shampur , Dhaka was closed illegally. False cases were filed against 44 workers.,

  • 28,30 August.There was an agreement between factory owner and workers on July at Aisha Enterprise,Joydebpur, Gazipur. But after Eid Holidays, factory owner didn’t implement the agreement and dismissed 18 workers illegally. Workers were attacked and assaulted by hooligans hired by owner.

  • Faiza Sweater limited Joydebpur,Gazipur workers did not get Eid bonus.Workers were not getting their salary for more than two months.

  • NKU.Collection factory ,Joydebpur, Gazipur Workers are not getting their salary, overtime even Eid bonus since July.

  • Blossom Textile Limited ,Comilla EPZ was closed without any notice . Workers protested against lower peace rate.On 2nd September after the agreement between owner, workers and Mayor of City Corporation the factory was opened . After opening of the factory 7 workers were terminated in violation of the agreement.

  • Fashion knit Company limited Jamgara Ashulia 42 workers were sued . Knitting section is closed illegally. Because workers protested against illegal termination, tourter.

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