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Invitation to the Convention for Democracy and Against Imperialism in Nepal, Kathmandu from 8th to 10th June 2013

by the ICOR CCC Asia, 9 May 2013

Dear Comrades,

Today we can clearly see that imperialism is in a great crisis. An important factor in this crisis is that imperialism, in the neo-colonial phase, has been spreading its own brand of “democracy” all over the world through charters like the “Atlantic Charter” and the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” and institutions like the UN and the ILO, while at the same time supporting the worst dictators wherever it felt it necessary. Very often, it is the same dictatorial tendencies which were nurtured by imperialism from birth, like the Taliban, which have now turned against US imperialism.

At the same time, there are great struggles taking place all over the world for genuine democracy. The struggles in Tunisia, Libya, Egypt and Syria and the rest of the maghreb reflected the desire of the people for genuine democracy though most of the struggles may have adopted different feudal or petty bourgeois solutions due to lack of any real alternative. Even in the rest of Asia, the people are on the streets for democracy. Whether reflected in the struggles in Nepal for establishing an Constitution and for preventing monarchy, the struggles in the Philippines against reducing it to a puppet of the US, the struggles in Bangladesh for a democratic election, the struggles in India against corruption and for protection of women, the struggles in China for the right to unionise, the struggles in Sri Lanka for a genuine solution to the national question, all these struggles are only particular manifestations of the aspirations of the people of Asia for a genuinely democratic system.

In this situation, the Asian Continental Coordination Committee of ICOR has decided to organise a Convention in Nepal called “Asian Convention for Democracy and Against Imperialism”. The Convention is planned to be held in Kathmandu on 8th to 10th June (Saturday to Monday). The preparatory committee consists of

  1. comade Lokraj Bhusal - (Nepal);

  2. comrade Shashidhar Bhandari – (Nepal)

  3. comrade Umakant - (India)

  4. comrade Sanjay Singhvi – (India)

  5. comrade Kazi Sazzad (Bangladesh);


We have decided to invite all organisations in this convention who are, in theory and in practise, fighting for Democracy and Against Imperialism. The topics suggested for this Convention are

  1. Democratic struggles in the history of Asia

  2. Current political situation in various countries

  3. Democracy in the neo-colonial context

  4. Present crisis in Imperialism and the anti-imperialist movement

The cost of the conference will be defrayed by a delegates fee of Rs. 500 (Indian Rupees) for each participating delegate. If anybody wishes to participate who will have a problem with finances, they can kindly write to the preparatory committee, who can inform them of financial arrangements that can be made. We regret that we are unable to provide for travel costs. Please note that a prior visa is not required in Nepal and all can get visas on arrival.

As your organisation is also at the forefront of the struggle for democracy and against imperialism, we request you to send a delegation to this conference. Please write to us at the earliest with the names and other details of the proposed delegation to enable us to make the necessary arrangements.

Hoping for your active participation in this matter.

Your comrades,

Shashidhar Bhandari

(for the preparatory committee)

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