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You are here: Home / 2013 / Against any imperialist aggression – Defend the road of liberation and democratic initiative in Rojava (West Kurdistan in North-Syria)

Against any imperialist aggression – Defend the road of liberation and democratic initiative in Rojava (West Kurdistan in North-Syria)

Declaration of the ICOR ECC – Call for a solidarity campaign with the struggle in Rojava, 27 August 2013

“In many parts of Syria, armed conflicts are lasting for more than two years. A movement for freedom, human rights and abolition of the state of emergency lasting since 1963 inspired by the people's uprisings in the Arabic countries rapidly turned into an armed conflict. In the war in Syria, on the one hand the Baath regime supported by Russia, China and Iran and on the other hand paid gangs and mercenaries like the “Free Syrian Army” supported by the Western imperialists, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar are facing each other. In this imperialist proxy war already more than 100 thousand people have been killed within the past two years.” (Resolution of the European Continental Conference of the ICOR, 23 June 2013)

Presently US-imperialism as well as England and France are preparing a new war aggression in Syria by the NATO. For the USA the brutal war crime of using chemical weapons in the past days is only a pretext.

US-imperialism itself never had any reservations in using the worst weapons but also lies for their war propaganda!

That is why the ECC of the ICOR Europe calls for using the 1st of September – in many countries celebrated as antiwar day – as day of protest and resistance against imperialist aggression and war politics.

Let us take our demands to the streets with demonstrations and rallies.

USA and NATO – Hands off Syria!

Ban and Destroyal of all ABC-weapons!

Oppose any colonialist and imperialist aggresson! Hands off Rojava!

Solidarity with the antiimperialist and revolutionary liberation struggle of the     masses of the people!

The ICOR resolution continues to read: Parallel to these developments, the Kurdish freedom movement rose up in the North of the country, in West Kurdistan (Rojava), liberated the Kurdish regions in Syria and started constructing self-governing structures in the political, social, economic, military and cultural area. The West Kurdish People's Defence Forces are defending these achievements against the frequent military attacks of the regular Syrian army as well as against the attempts of the armed gangs especially pushed by Turkey to advance towards the Kurdish regions.

ICOR Europe declares its solidarity with the struggle of the people of Rojava for their democratic autonomy and self-government and with their struggle for national and social liberation. It condemns any kind of imperialist intervention and that of reactionary states of the region in Syria and defends the right of self-determination of the peoples of Syria so that they can decide themselves on their future and it demands the immediate abolition of the embargo against Rojava.”

In a call of the MLKP, member organization of the ICOR Europe, it reads: “Since the building up of these structures of self administration the population of Rojava again and again is a victim of the attacks by the regular Syrian army as well as by gangs operating from Turkey and mercenaries, in front of all the El Nusra Gang (a branch of Al Qaeda). In this not only underhand attacks on Kurdish towns and villages are carried out again and again with, mortar shells, tanks and hundreds of armed fighters, but also civilians are abducted in order to put pressure on the population. Presently still several hundred, mainly women and children are at the mercy of the gangs. There are daily fights between the paid gangs and the Kurdisch people's defense units (YPG).

Besides the struggles, the Kurdish autonomy is mainly being forced to surrender by a comprehensive embargo, under which the population of Rojava suffers severely. The borders to South- (Iraq) and to North Kurdistan (Turkey) were closed since the building of the structures for the democratic autonomy. … From the Syria side, there are hardly opportunities to provide the Kurdish areas with the basic needs, too. Despite of all these attacks and obstacles, the population of Rojava ist detemined to continue its path taken of democratic autonomy Autonomie und Selbstverwaltung and to defend its achievments.“

Against each and any colonial and imperialist aggression!

Defend the democratic autonomy in Rojava!


We call on all anti-imperialist, progressive and revolutionary people, organizations and parties, to participate in the solidarity campaing for Rojava and carry them forward, extend it by own activities and ideas. Our practical solidarity shall be a support for the population in West Kurdistan on its way to freedom.

  • Organize Ralleys, protest – even exceeding Anti War Day
  • Inform in events and panel discussions about the situation in Rojava
  • Collect donations! Medicine and (preserved) food are necessary, too. Via the ICOR parties and organizations, collection points are installed in different countries.
  • Use the website of ICOR for current reports of the solidarity campaign and information on the situation in –

Rojava is not alone! International solidarity breaks the embargo!

Workers of all countries unite! Workers of all countries and oppressed people – unite! Long live international solidarity!

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