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You are here: Home / 2013 / Active, global solidarity for the common struggle of the workers against GM/PSA-plant closures, job losses and loss of rights

Active, global solidarity for the common struggle of the workers against GM/PSA-plant closures, job losses and loss of rights

Declaration of ECC Europe, 27 January 2013

With the "strategic partnership" of GM/Opel and PSA-Peugeot/Citroen the two car companies follow a policy of passing on the burden of the crisis on the workforce. With the world economic and financial crisis the automobile monopolies unfold a fierce competition. Given the collapse of the business market in (South) Europe, the capitalists of GM/Opel and PSA open a wave of attacks on the workers and employees: closure of the PSA plant in France, the threatened closure of the Opel plant in Bochum/Germany, call for further wage cuts and deterioration of working hours... This intensified rate of exploitation is practised worldwide also by companies like Ford (plant closure in Genk/Belgium), Fiat and Ferrari etc.

But more and more consolidated workforces today take on the fight against the planned plant closures, layoffs, and for their rights. Herein grows the will and the ability to organize these struggles internationally coordinated. At PSA/France the colleagues are on strike for more than a week, at Ford/Genk, Belgium gates were blocked, at Opel in Bochum/Germany quickly after the announcement of the closure plans in December, an independently organized strike action of several hours by a few hundred workers was organized. GM workers from several countries in Europe and Latin America organized a common day of strikes and action in (among others) Brazil, USA, Colombia, Argentina, Germany, Spain, Italy and France.

ICOR - the international coordination of revolutionary parties and organizations - is a global alliance of over 40 organizations from four continents. The common goal is to see and wage the world class struggle as a common struggle and to coordinate these struggles internationally and revolutionize them. ICOR supports to that effect important projects of cross-border cooperation, such as the International Automobile Workers Counsel, the International Mining Conference, the Dockworkers Experience Exchange and the World Women's Conference of rank and file women. The member organizations of ICOR are committed to mutual aid in the ongoing building of revolutionary and Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations, because the labor movement needs a political representation and a social perspective. The crisis-ridden capitalism can be eliminated and replaced by a socialist society.

ICOR Europe encourages its member organizations and revolutionaries in Europe to provide active solidarity and active support with the struggles of the GM/PSA workforce. We pledge to co-organize Europe-wide solidarity actions, to promote disputes and strikes in the factories and do everything in our power to ensure that the fights are coordinated internationally, and a close comradeship of GM/PSA-workforce can develop further.

Get in touch with ICOR, give solidarity a face in the exchange of delegations. Send reports and information to the website of ICOR and to ICOR Europe; strengthen ICOR through practical cooperation, mutual exchange of information and assistance in building revolutionary parties and organizations.

Long live international solidarity!

With revolutionary greetings

ICOR - Europe Coordinating Committee

Main Coordinator ECC

Jeroen Toussaint


International Coordination of Revolutionary Parties and Organizations

- European Coordinating Committee -

PO Box 51245, 3007 GE Rotterdam, Netherlands

Phone: + 31-6-42728611





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