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WHAT MUST BE DONE: Conclusions from a fact finding report by TUCI

an information provided by the ICOR main coordinator


Conclusions from a fact finding report by TUCI.
A team of comrades led by com. Sanjay, GS, TUCI, made a tour of the affected places nar the Maruthi Suzuki unit and based on the report it prepared, the following demands are put forward:

Immediately after the incident of the 18th July on 22nd July we had made the following demands:

  1. That the contract labour system be abolished in Maruti Udyog Ltd and all the contract workers be absorbed as permanent workers with effect from their initial dates of appointment and be paid all arrears accordingly;
  2. That the workers demands for wages and benefits be settled immediately and amicably;
  3. That the suspension orders against victimised workers be immediately revoked;
  4. That the management immediately lift the lock-out and restore normalcy;
  5. That the Government stop all attempts to interfere with the rights of the workers to form a union of their choice;
  6. That the Government immediately stop the witch-hunt against the union leaders upon which it has embarked;
  7. That the Government immediately take action against the management for violation of the provisions of the Contract Labour (Abolition and Regulation), 1971 and the rules made under it;
  8. That the Government immediately scrap all the false cases against the workers and release all the arrested workers forthwith;


In addition we have to add that:

The Maruti Suzuki Workers Union must be immediately recognised.

  • The management and the Government must immediately stop its attempts to destabilise the union by forming a Grievance Redressal Committee;
  • That action be taken against the officers responsible in the Haryana Government;
  • That an impartial inquiry be held into the whole incident by the Central Government or any police body not subject to the Haryana Government;
  • That an inquiry also be held into the incident of castesist abuse of Jiyalal and the guilty party be punished;
  • That an inquiry be held into the goons brought into the factory by contractor Rakesh and his contract be cancelled immediately;
  • That the witch-hunt being pursued against the workers be stopped immediately and the trial of the case be shifted to outside Haryana.
  • That all workers be adequately compensated for the wages they have lost due to the lockout.

Sanjay Singhvi, General Secretary, TUCI.

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