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You are here: Home / 2012 / Statement of CPSA(ML) about the striking mineworkers in the platinum-mine in Rustenburg

Statement of CPSA(ML) about the striking mineworkers in the platinum-mine in Rustenburg

Communist Party of South Africa (Marxist-Leninist) - CPSA (ML) 17.08.2012


The workers involved in an strike are 16 000. They are demanding wages of 12 000 Rand per month. Currently they are getting 5000 Rand per month.

Due to the refusal of the mine bosses to give them 12 000 Rand per month they went on strike.

This workers are organized by two tradeunions, one is the national miners workers (NUM) afiliate of COSATU another one is AMCOR afiliate of NACTU.

NUM officials were not in favour of the strike, as such the workers were divided, some workers went back to the mine to start their duties.

The workers who were on strike started to fight those who went back to work.

As a result of the fight amongst workers two workers were killed.

NUM together with the mine bosses called the police to intervene. As a result of the police intervention more than 30 people died. Among those who died two policemen were involved.

The situation is very tense even now there is a confrontation between the workers, the police and the mine bosses.

CPSA(ML), member of ICOR is pledging solidarity with the mine workers in Rustenburg and condemned the brutally killing of mine workers by the police.

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