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You are here: Home / 2012 / Solidarity with the Greek steelworkers against police brutality!

Solidarity with the Greek steelworkers against police brutality!

ICOR ECC - European Coordinating Committee


With brutal police violence, the Greek Government on 20 July attacked the occupied steel
company in Halyvourgia Aspropyrgos - nine colleagues were arrested.
The colleagues in the Greek steel company were on strike since 1 November 2011 - against
mass layoffs and wage reductions - and against the social demolition which the Troika of EU,
ECB and IMF impose on Greece.
Their strike of 265 days is a national and international symbol of the fight against passing the
crisis burden on the working people - therefore they received the support of the entire working
population in Greece and international solidarity and aid from other countries.
Across Europe the working class and working people face the task to enter into battle for their
future and the future of their children - capitalism does not offer any future.
The newly elected government in Greece can only fulfil her promises to the troika by the use of
brutal violence and riot police. In Aspropyrgos she wants to save the steel company, at the
expense of the future of the working people.
But they are wrong. Public opinion is in majority on the side of the strikers. The working class,
the working people - the Greek people as a whole are on the side of the steel workers, as they
have been for nine months.
Greek progressive organizations have held a demonstration at the gate of Halyvourgia, and so
secured the release of the workers taken prisoner.
ICOR supports the struggle of steelworkers, they deserve international solidarity and the
support of all workers of all countries.
Down with the police occupation!
Withdrawal of redundancy plans! For the future of the steel workers and of all working
International solidarity in the fight against laying the burden of the crisis on the people!
Cordial Greetings,

European Coordinator


International Coordination of Revolutionary Parties and Organizations
- European Coordinating Committee -
PO Box 51245, 3007 GE Rotterdam, Netherlands
Phone: + 31-6-42728611

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