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Solidarity Message March 8th International Women Day End Economic Exploitation Against Women



Dear Friends,

Solidarity greetings from All Pakistan Trade Union Federation!

For All Pakistan Trade Union Federation March 8th is an important day to forge stronger links and unity between all those struggling for the liberation of women around the world. It is a day with a proud history for the women's movement - a history of internationalism, unity, solidarity and struggle.

This day remember us the struggle of women workers starts on 1857 for the betterment of working condition. At that time police brutally baton women workers to stop their voice, due to this brutally attacked by police several women workers sacrifice their life.

It was at the 1910 on the event of International Conference in Copenhagen that German leader Clara Zetkin first raised the idea of organizing an International Working Women's Day to mark the important victories of women workers in the United States and to provide a focus for women around the world to organize public actions to win the right to vote.

Current Pakistan political, social and economic situation is extremely alarming for every one. Day by day obstruction and grievance of workers particularly women workers are increasing. Huge unemployment, sexual harassment, worst working conditions, bad law and order situation, extremism and high inflation are making hard to survive for majority of the people. Most awful social and economic deprivations are compelling the grass root people especially women to committed suicides.

We deep concern that our country is in war situation and NATO Drones attack killed more than 35000 innocent people including women. We have great concern that March 8, 2012 is a day of review and analysis of our movement's, weaknesses and achievements and it is the day to chalk out new plan of action and strategies to over come the constraint, it is a day of struggle for women's liberation and a day for struggle to getting their legal rights and End Economic Exploitation Against Women.

To celebrate our victories and to raise our voice to end all kinds of discrimination, economic exploitation and violence against women, and for the achievements of their unity & getting equality and justice, APTUF is going to organize a rally which starts from Lahore press club to Assembly hall at 4:00 P.M

On the behalf of All Pakistan Trade Union Federation and its members, we extend our deep solidarity with all are sisters and friends struggling world wide to end of oppression and exploitation. Wish your great success and achievements in your struggle.

To encourage and support the struggle of downtrodden women in Pakistan, Kindly send us messages before March 8, 2012 at email address:;

Let us celebrate International Women’s Day around the world with a spirit of resistance and internationalism. Let us bind together and dare to break the chains.


Rubina Jamil

Secretary General

All Pakistan Trade Union Federation


Working Women Organization

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