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May Day Message from General Secretary


Solidarity Message: Red Salute to Chicago’s Martyrs

Dear friends and comrades,

Revolutionary greetings from All Pakistan Trade Union Federation!

The working class all over the world is commemorating 1st May International Labor Day and paying great tribute to Chicago martyrs who scarified their lives for better living and working conditions in 1886, for eight hours working day. Their struggle became the strong movement against imperialist capitalism, it is also a day of International solidarity to continue our struggle to end war and exploitative policies of Imperialist forces against the working class and poor masses.

This year the Pakistani working class are celebrating May 1st in very crucial situation when high rocketing inflation makes the lives of working class miserable, 43% people are living below the poverty line, the country is in the dark because of 14 hours electricity load shedding, more than 6000 industrial units shut down, more than 4 hundred thousands workers lost their jobs. NATO forces drone attacks killed more than 35000 innocent people and the ruling classes sell this country to the capitalists piece by piece through privatization, corruption is on high peak, railway is in severe economic crises rulers are ready to privatize Pakistan Railway, WAPDA, Pakistan International Airline, but because of the strong resistance by the workers unable to privatize. Pakistan became a member of the International Labor Organization (ILO) after its independence in 1947. Government has ratified 36 ILO conventions of which eight are core conventions, these conventions are not implement, and the masses are on streets for the acceptance of their demands.

It is the necessity of time for the trade unions to educate workers on the real issues, unite them with other democratic forces, to end war, foreign intervention. And struggle untidily to end anti-workers policies that are being imposed on the name of privatization and globalization.

APTUF appeals to trade unions in all countries to strengthen their struggle for peace, prosperity and workers progress. To pay tribute to Chicago Martyrs, who sacrificed their lives for workers rights and to extend the solidarity with workers movement around the world. All Pakistan Trade Union Federation and its hundred thousand members will celebrate May Day with great fervor and hold rallies all over Pakistan. In Lahore on May 1st, rally will start at 9:00 A.M from different industrial area and march towards GPO Chowk to Assembly Hall.

To extend solidarity with Pakistani working class, please send message of solidarity to:;

Long live May Day!

Long Live working class

Long live International solidarity!

Rubina Jamil

General Secretary

All Pakistan Trade Union Federation


Working Women Organization

14-N, Industrial Area, Gulberg II,

Lahore, Pakistan

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