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You are here: Home / 2012 / MARCH IN DEFENSE OF THE WATER IN MAIPÚ


by PC(AP), 2 April 2012

On 31 March a “march in defense of the water” took place in Maipú. The PC(AP) reports that this march was organized by the “citizens' committee in direct action” together with other social and political organizations of the municipality, among them the PC(AP) Chile. The PC(AP) writes:

Many people took part in the protest march which was directed against the plans of the local authority of Maipú under the leadership of Alberto Undurraga (DC), mayor in office, to privatize the water. The population vigorously opposed the Alianza and the Concertación, because both neoliberal blocks have decided to privatize everything in our country and thus plunge the workers and the people into misery. It is important to point out that this march by no means was a spontaneous action, but the product of many years of work and organized by the different forces involved which suggested that this march should be the first of big marches and manifestations in the town of Maipú this year.

In what follows, the demands and reasons for the “NO” to the privatization of the SMAPA (Servicios Municipales de Agua Potable y Alcantarrilado) are detailed.


In the neoliberal economic model nothing must remain in the hands of the state and in this case the drinking waters must not remain in the hands of the local authorities anymore. This no longer complies to the logic of capitalism and therefore the SMAPA shall be handed over to the private enterprise Augas Andinas. Together with the Alianza, the Concertación has taken up this task.

The consequences of the transformation to a private enterprise are:

  1. Further increase of monthly water fees

  2. Cessation of subsidies for the inhabitants, who were entitled to them so far

  3. The municipality has no more water for irrigating the green areas and squares and must pay for it like any other customer

  4. SMAPA makes up for 1/3 of the annual municipal budget; with the privatization we lose this important source of income

  5. More than 1 million people of Maipú, Cerrillos und Estación Central will be affected by this measure.

This is what we demand:

  1. The water must remain 100% in the hands of the people of Maipú

  2. Improvement of the quality of services and of the quality of the drinking water

  3. Stop the coterie with the enterprises and the temporary employment agencies

  4. No employment of consultants and functionaries earning millions, who do little or nothing in order to improve the service

  5. No to the formation of a stock company as suggested by some consultants and town council members who call themselves progressive or left

  6. No to wasting and stealing SMAPA-money (as done by the thief Alberto Undurraga).

Defending municipal water means defending life. Because water is life and not the source of coterie, wealth and profit for private enterprises.

As Alianza and Concertación won't solve these problems, at these municipal elections:




Partido Comunista Chileno (Acción Proletaria)


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Link to the video about the action:

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