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Letter from KOE on results of their 3rd Party Congress

by KOE, 4 April 2012

Dear Comrades and Friends,

Our 3rd Congress has concluded its works in a substantially successful way. It was a Congress of the members, which became the protagonists of a demanding work held under difficult conditions. The 3rd Congress of the Communist Organization of Greece surpassed our expectations and proved to be a meaningful, collective and democratic procedure that got us more solidly united and better prepared for the harsh battles to come. The 3rd Congress has consolidated our line for the political, economic and social way out of the country, making KOE stronger and devoted in even more resolute way in the defense of our people, in the cause of the popular uprising and of the country’s salvation. We want to sincerely thank the dozens of parties, movements and organizations from the whole world who sent us their messages of solidarity, despite the short notice. The international messages have been a source of inspiration and courage for all the delegates and all the members of KOE.


Dear Comrades and Friends,

There are two more issues that we want to inform you about: The first is that we have decided to hold the 5th Internationalist RESISTANCE Festival, which has by now proved itself as a successful “institution” and as a meeting point for the youth and popular movements inside and outside Greece. We will send you more details in the near future, asking your contribution in the preparation and holding of this 5th edition. For the moment, you can note the dates already set, so you can prepare your participation: Friday 29 June, Saturday 30 June and Sunday 1 July.

The second issue concerns the ongoing developments in Greece: We are most probably heading towards anticipated general elections, which may be held on Sunday 6 May. Our organization strives for the larger possible unity in a broad political and social front of all those who oppose the transformation of our country in a neocolonial protectorate led by a German “Europe, ripped off by the international financial gangsters. We call for a “double unity”: not only the unity of the Left parties and organizations among them, but mainly the unity of the Left with its social base and with the much broader popular masses, who are struggling since two years for Democracy, Independence and Emancipation.

We interrupt the translation of this message: We are now all heading to Syntagma Square, in the center of Athens. A few hours ago, a 77 year old pensioner killed himself there. In the note he left, he is writing:

The Quisling government has literally annihilated the possibility of my survival, which was based on a decent pension for which I alone (without the state’s participation) was contributing during 35 years. Because of my age that does not give me the ability to dynamically respond individually (of course I do not rule out that, if there was a first Greek taking a Kalashnikov in his hands, I could be the second), I find no other solution than a decent end, before I start looking in the trash for food. I believe that the young people, left without a future, will one day take up arms and will hang upside down the national traitors on Constitution Square, as the Italians did in 1945 with Mussolini in Piazza Poreto of Milan.

Now, spontaneously, people from all over the city are heading to the center of Athens. We will be there too. We will contact you again, as soon as possible!

Warmest comradely greetings

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