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Greetings to the solidarity event with the struggle of the Greek steelworkers in Aspropirgos

by Jeroen Toussaint, Main Coordinator Europe of ICOR, 15 May 2012

Dear participants of the event, dear friends and comrades,

I want to express to you that we, the European Coordination of ICOR (International Coordination of Revolutionary Organizations and Parties), fully stand behind the fighting steelworkers in Aspropirgos! They are spearheading the Greek people's uprising. At the moment we are in Greece with a delegation and have spoken with the fighting steelworkers. We are impressed by their perseverance and the broad solidarity which they are experiencing, and by the extent of discontent and resistance of the common people in Greece. We understand that they don't want to live in this old way any more and that a revolutionary change is necessary. The struggle of the steelworkers from Aspropirgos shows, that by long and organized struggle, one can achieve something. The cooperation and the joint cross-border struggle of the ICOR organizations as well as of all progressive people will successfully push through their aims and a social perspective which is worth living.

Revolutionary greetings to your solidarity event

Jeroen Toussaint

Main Coordinator Europe of ICOR

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