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You are here: Home / 2012 / CONDOLENCE AND SOLIDARITY MESSAGE to the Central Committee of: Communist Party of South Africa (Marxist – Leninist) CPSA/ML

CONDOLENCE AND SOLIDARITY MESSAGE to the Central Committee of: Communist Party of South Africa (Marxist – Leninist) CPSA/ML

by Marxist – Leninist Organization of Afghanistan (MLOA), 23 August 2012

Dear Comrades,

Hereby, we would like to cordially express our deepest grief and sympathies in regards to the savage and barbaric killing of striking workers of ” Marikana Lonmin Platinum Mine” by police on August 16.2012 in your country.

Please convey MLOA members’ cordial condolences to”CPSA/ML” members, martyred workers’ families, friends, and the working class and oppressed people of South Africa.

The MLOA condemns the killing of striking mine workers by the police of South Africa’s government (loyal servants of monopoly capital) to the strongest terms; the MLOA sees this as a barbaric and cruel action.

Although the killing of militant workers was a big blow and loss of ground to the just-full demands made by the mine workers and in general to your country’s working class movement, but as you have mentioned, “the struggle continues!”; it will not be the end of their just struggle! It will be a fresh beginning of further confrontation between labour and financial capital!

MLOA members are convinced that the noble cause and ideals of the militant mine workers will be alive in continuation of their revolutionary struggles by their co-workers and fellow working class of South Africa. Their revolutionary objectives will be met by fellow workers by converting their grief into strength and carry forward the struggle to which those fallen mine workers and others dedicated their dear lives.

In heartfelt sympathy and full solidarity,


Head of the International Affairs Department of:

Marxist – Leninist Organization of Afghanistan (MLOA)

August 23, 2012

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