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South African Mine Workers Strike




South African Mine Workers Strike


The stubborn and unwavering strike of Marikana lonmin mine workers strike has ended up in victory . The mine bosses offer was R11000.00 i.e. 22% wage increase for the lonmin mine workers.

This strike was ended up under very difficult situation , the mine bosses were working hand in hand with the government and NUM officials who persuaded the workers not strike otherwise they will be faced with dismissals, even the tripartite alliance i.e. ANC, COSATU and SACP, the revisionist communist party were all against that independent strike.

On the 15th September 2012 the government forces had shot the Lonmin striking workers by using rubber bullets which injured some of the mine workers and some of the community members and 47 mine workers were arrested.

The planned march to the Rustenburg police station on the 16th September 2012 were prevented by force by the police. The mine workers strike has spread to Royal Mfokeng platinum in Rustenburg where workers are demanding R12.500 wage per month. The strike was suppressed by the police.

In the gold fields at East Driefotien in Carletonville more than 15000 workers are on strike demanding 12,5% wage adjustment and also demanding the step down of NUM shop stewards who are working hand in hand with the mine bosses. The police are busy suppressing the strike but without success. During the strike action a kid was killed by the police using teargas at the nearby township .

The Cosatu general secretary, Zwelinzima Vavi left Cosatu congress on the 19th September 2012 to the Gold Fields to come and persuade the workers to come back to work and stop joining AMCU Cosatu rivalry union.

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