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Proposal: ICOR – Statement against the fascist-racist terrorist attack in Norway

by MLPD, 23 July 2011
The MLPD proposes the following statement on the fascist-racist massacre in Norway and asks for the signatures of the ICOR members.


ICOR – Statement against the fascist-racist terrorist attack in Norway

 23 July 2011


A bomb attack out of a fascist-racist motivation happened in the city of Oslo and a purposeful massacre against young people occurred on a summer camp of the Norwegian Young Socialists.


Our mourning and sympathy is with the innocent victims, especially the children and young people who were utterly executed in this inhuman massacre.


Not some furious individual culprit has the responsibility for this act but the neo-fascist terror and propaganda being more and more directed against international solidarity, the anti-fascist struggle and the international revolutionary and workers’ movement.


Who commits terror in a cowardly way with a fascist and racist ideology is no individual culprit but a consequent enforcer of an inhuman ideology being tolerated and partly promoted by those in power to keep down the revolutionary workers’ movement and progressive ideas.


We emphasize herewith our demand to ban all fascist organizations and their propaganda.


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